Ch 11

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Warning: this first scene has a bit of homophobic slurs.

Colby POV

     The next morning when I open my eyes, I immediately see Sam laying on his bed. I smile widely. He's so cute when he's sleeping!

     The real question was: what were we? Was Sam and I just friends? Best friends? Best friends with feelings for each other? Boyfriends? I wish we were, but we weren't officially dating. We said we loved each other, but that isn't enough. I need to show him that I love him, you know?

     Something then popped in my head: what if we went on a date? Is it too early for that? I have no idea! Well, we can at least try.

     I get out of bed and quietly dig through my drawers for clothes, careful not to wake up Sam. I ran out of the room to the bathroom and quickly changed and freshened up before grabbing my keys, wallet, and heading out into the cool Autumn morning.

     I drove to Target and ran inside to the cards. After minutes of trying to find a good card for Sam, an employee with a name tag "Brianna" came up to me.

     "Do you need any help, sir?" I looked up at her and smiled and shook my head.

     "Nah, I'm good. Thank you though." I turned back to the cards, thinking that she left. But a few moments later, I heard her speak up again.

     "Are you trying to find something specific?" She asked.

     "Well, I'm just trying to find a card for someone I really care about." I spoke up, not making eye contact with her. I saw her kneel next to me and look at the section I was looking at.

     "Umm.. y-you do know that you're looking at the 'boyfriend' section... right?" She said slowly.

     "Uh, yeah. I.. I am aware, thank you." God, I'm starting to get tired of her. I looked at her, who had a disgusted face. "I-I think I'm fine. You can leave now."

     She rolled her eyes and stood up. As she started walking away, I heard her whisper "disgusting fag". That made me angry. How can people these days still think and act like that?! It's fucking 2015, for Christ's sake!

     I found a card and some chocolate, paid for them, and quickly ran out of the store to my car.

     The second I got into the car, I screamed. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. People made me so angry. The fact that people have the guts to say something like that to their faces just because they loved someone is insane.

     I sighed and started the car, heading back to the apartment.


     I opened the door and saw Sam laying on the couch, editing a video. He looked up and smiled brightly at me. I smiled back, trying to hide the bag.

     "Morning, Colby!" He exclaimed happily. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Where were you?"

     "I just went to Target to grab something. Actually, can I talk to you about something?" He nodded as he put down his computer. I made my way to the couch and sat next to him.

     I handed him the card and chocolate, nervous about what he'll say. He read through the card and a small smile and blush crept along his face.

     He looked at me. "What is all of this?" He asked.

     "W-Well... I don't know how do to this really but, uh... do you want to maybe... go on a date- or something... t-today?" I asked. His eyes widened. Well, here comes the rejection that I've sadly gotten to know through out the past few years of high school.

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