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"You look like hell." His words probably meant well, but they didn't come off as such, and as a result you glared at him. Mark held up his hands in a defensive manner, grinning a little stupidly. "Sorry, sorry. I'm just saying. Why are you all bundled up like that?"

It was early in the morning and you had woken with a start, freezing cold for reasons you didn't want to think about. By this point you had come to understand that anything that happened with Dark had actually happened, but it was a shock that you hadn't woken up soaked to the bone. So you had bundled up, still shivering as you walked to Mark's house. You wanted answers, no matter how dumb the questions were going to be.

"We need to talk," you replied, ignoring his commentary. With a shrug he let you inside, closing the door softly behind you. Chica tilted her head nearby, as if to wonder why you were so obviously cold.

Mark led you into the living room, one hand gently guiding your lower back. What was wrong? Were you perhaps getting sick? He had just come back from his run, not having expected any company for another few hours when Tyler would arrive for more editing work. "Are you getting sick?" the male asked quietly.

"Who is Darkiplier?" was your immediate response. The silence that fell between you was painful, nevermoreso than when you realized that Mark was trying not to laugh.

"Is that why you rushed here first thing in the morning? I think you've been on the internet too much," the male chuckled. "Darkiplier is just some evil alter ego that my fans came up with. Why?"

You swallowed, not really replying but nodding your head. How could you tell him what had happened to you overnight? The welts on your thighs were fading, and thank fuck the bastard hadn't decided to scar you in any other form. You didn't want to have to cover up bruises.

"What happened yesterday? Tyler said he kissed you and you damn near ran out of the house soon after." Mark frowned a touch, concerned for the both of you. "Did he push his luck?"

"N-no, no. I... it's not that. I just..." You sighed and sat down at last. "I've just been having some fucked-up dreams and he was worried, I guess. For... some reason. The kiss wasn't the problem." Not exactly, anyway.

"Tyler really likes you, you know. He always asks about you." The Korean male sat beside you, still wondering why you were all bundled up in warm clothing when you lived in LA. "And to be honest, you two are cute together. Will you at least give him a chance?"

After a moment's pause, you sighed and nodded. You wanted to give Tyler a chance almost as much as Mark wanted you to. You did like him, quite a bit.

But it's those fucking dreams... no, those aren't dreams. They're some kind of nightmare.


It was another few hours before Tyler arrived, and by that point you had fallen asleep on the couch, finally having removed a few layers of clothing beforehand. There were no awful visions of Dark this time; perhaps he only ever showed up at night, for his namesake? Who knew? You didn't care, you realized that you were exhausted after two nights of his bullshit.

"How long has she been there?"

"Couple hours. Showed up dressed like it was snowing out. Didn't explain why." A pause, then, "What are you gonna do now?"

"I don't know." A sigh. "Maybe I went too far."

Chica whined, pressing her cold wet nose to your cheek and forcing you awake, a scream trapped in your throat. The retriever whined again, tail wagging happily once she knew you were awake. You swallowed hard, sitting up and hanging your head, looking down at your hands.

I want to give Tyler a chance. He deserves that much. But Dark...

No! I don't give a fuck what that asshole says! I like Tyler, and to hell with whatever Darkiplier really is!

"Are you up?" You flinched, and Tyler gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay. R-really. Just... lost in thought."

Brows furrowed he sat beside you. "Did you have another nightmare?"

"Last night. I... y-yeah."

"Why didn't you call me? I'd have.... done something." He shrugged and smiled at you. God damn it he was cute.

"I didn't want to bother you." Truth be told, contacting Tyler had been the furthest thing from your mind as possible, especially now that Dark knew what was going on, to a certain extent. "It... it's stupid, isn't it? Me having nightmares about..."

"Nightmares are nightmares. We all get them." Like before, he covered your hand with his own, squeezing it reassuringly. "But I mean it. If you have another one, call me. I can try to help."

How? By killing him? I don't think that's possible...

But you kept your mouth shut, trying to smile and nodding, hoping he would buy it. Tyler seemed satisfied.

"So you wanna watch yesterday's recording? A little sneak preview before I post it on the channel?"


For the next hour you had your hand pressed to your mouth, giggling like mad behind it. But of course, that was usually the case when it came to Cards Against Humanity. "Oh, God, no, I'm never gonna get that mental image out of my head," you whined, wiping your eyes.

"Which part? Ethan's O-face?" Tyler grinned wide, having laughed right along with you the entire time. "Do you want to watch something else now? I'm pretty much caught up with editing for the day," he added.

"Sure," you commented, nodding. Gently your hands were taken into his, and he pulled you into his lap. "A-ah... Tyler...?"

He frowned. "Too far?" Holding his hands up, he waited for you to move away, clearly confused when you did not.

"No, this is fine." You smiled a little, feeling blood rush to your face. "What else do you have to show me?"

There was a long, drawn-out silence. Tyler hesitated before pulling your face towards his, kissing you cautiously, expecting you to react poorly. When you began to kiss back he visibly relaxed, arms around your waist.

Unbeknownst to the two of you, Mark stood in the doorway, arms crossed as he watched you, grinning wide. He couldn't be happier.

Discipline (Yandere Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now