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You tried to stay awake for as long as you possibly could, but Tyler had exhausted you. He had already fallen asleep, to boot, snoring lightly beside you, one arm thrown over his eyes.

You didn't want to deal with Dark. Not now. Not when you felt so happy for once.


Silence. It was excruciating. You knew he was there, you could sense his presence, but the fact that he wasn't speaking worried you.

He must be so furious at me...

I don't care! I want Tyler, not him!

You should care.

The last thought was not your own, and your heart sank. Why couldn't Dark just give up already?

Because I love you and you are breaking my heart, darling. That's why.

Why the fuck should you have cared? He abused you in ways you hadn't thought possible. Even when he said he wouldn't punish you!

Falling quiet, you frowned. Was Dark... crying? There were soft, muffled sobbing noises coming from nearby. He was actually crying. "You can stop fucking crying, you know," you spat. "After all the shit you put me through, I hope you rot in hell."

"Darling, I love you. I cannot let you go."

"Then maybe you shouldn't have tried to "teach me a lesson", you sick fuck. You raped me! In the ass, no less!"

"You let him touch you."

"Because I love him!" You turned pink, having spoken the words out loud at last. You truly loved Tyler, and didn't give a fuck about breaking Dark's heart.

I still don't understand what was up with Mark's text though...

"So he's finally begun," Dark spoke softly. As though he knew what Mark was doing- it was possible, of course. "I am afraid, my beloved, that I cannot let you go," he added.

"You already said that," you replied, annoyed.

But you had no idea what he meant until his hands wrapped around your throat. You began to panic, trying desperately to pry his hands away, but his hold on you was far too strong. Dark choked the life out of you, watching you turn first red in the face, and then blue. Did he mean to kill you this time?

"Don't fear. I have no intention of killing you. I love you far too much to do such an awful thing." Before you blacked out, he leaned in to whisper to you, lips against your ear. "But you are not allowed to see him any longer."


Waking up should have brought you relief of the nightmares. Hadn't it always? But upon finally opening your eyes again, it was still dark in the room. You began to cough, one hand at your throat, raspy and painful. Dark's grip on you had been strong, indeed.

What the fuck is going on? Something feels wrong...

"Are we finally awake?" You were grabbed by the hair again, dragged out of the bed and into a chair where you were bound, hands behind your back and something cloth-like unceremoniously shoved into your mouth to quiet you. Dark then placed tape over your mouth, ignoring your attempts to free yourself. "This is your own fault. I did warn you not to let him touch you, did I not?"


"Such language. Back to square one. And this time..." he murmured, leaning down to get into your face with his demonic grin, "You will not be allowed to leave."

Well no shit, you were tied to a chair! Trying to free yourself proved to be fruitless, so you stopped struggling, panting through your nose.

Someone... please, Tyler, for fuck's sake, someone stop this fuckhead!

Slapped across the face like you always were, tears stung your eyes. Dark smiled at seeing them. "Always so lovely, darling. Do you want to be free?" You nodded, glaring. "Then I suggest we start at the beginning. What shall you start doing now?"

Killing you.

"Ah, ah. Try again. One more wrong answer and your punishment shall be excruciating." A large part of you really did not want to find out what exactly the new form of punishment would be, and you hung your head.

Why do I have such an awful feeling? More than usual this time. What's going on?

No.... I was knocked out and woke up again. I should have been laying next to Tyler, but I was still here. Is he... am I stuck here?!

What else could it have been? Waking up, no matter what, usually brought you back to reality. This time it hadn't.

"You always did learn fast, beloved. Now answer my question. I'll not tolerate being ignored." Dark was warning you, and you had a creeping feeling about his new torture ideas.

I'll... obey you...

"You will obey me, what?"

I'll obey you, sir.

"No, I don't like "sir" any longer. It isn't endearing. Try again, darling."

NOPE NOPE NOPE. You shook your head, silently wincing against the idea. No fucking way in hell were you going to--

A hand gripped your hair, keeping your head still as you were backhanded. Repeatedly. You began to sob after the first few blows, but it wouldn't end for a good while. Each slap felt harder than the last. Was this his new form of punishment? You may have been crying but you grew angrier, as well.

Is this all you've fucking got, you asshole?!

At last he quit, leaving you to cry despite the tape covering your mouth. Your face ached something terrible. No, this couldn't be his new punishment. Not yet. "You will obey me, what?" Dark repeated. His voice was growing ever more agitated.

Inwardly you sighed and winced again.

I'll obey you, Daddy.

His face split into a grin. "Much better. Was that so hard?" Yes. "And what will happen if you choose not to obey me?"

I'll be punished. Or you'll hurt Tyler.

"Darling, hurting him is simply a bonus for me, but you are technically correct. Very well, are you ready for your next lesson?" You weren't, but neither were you in any position to say no. "Look at me and tell me you love me."

How about no?


I said no, you fuckwad!

Dark began to laugh, watching you glaring in his direction. But you had yet to notice, to truly see why he was laughing.

Discipline (Yandere Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now