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Thankfully, when you woke up again, it was beside a still-sleeping Tyler, who continued to snore lightly. As softly as you could manage you crept out of the bed, heading for the bathroom.

The hot water felt good against your shaking body. You couldn't get Dark's laughter out of your mind; was it going to haunt you for the rest of your life?

I don't have time to think about that now. I've got other shit to deal with.

The first being Mark and his damned text. Why would he tell you he loved you now, when he quite obviously wanted to see you and Tyler together? He had said it himself! Had he changed his mind? Or had his attempts to thwart Dark before the demon could do anything backfired?

Backfired how? Did he suddenly decide to unleash some sort of dormant feelings for me? What a load of bullshit!

Walking out of the bathroom brought you face to face with Tyler, still sleepy and rubbing his face. "Is there any hot water left?" he mumbled.

You found your face growing hotter; he was still completely naked. "Y-yeah, there sh-should be..." was your half-hearted reply.

The male didn't seem to notice your stuttering as he walked around you into the bathroom.

Well that was fucking awkward. Is he always standoffish in the mornings?

You groaned, rubbing your eyes and still trying not to let Dark's echoing laughter ring in your mind. It just kept going and going; did he have control over it?

Whatever. First things first.


You pounded hard at the front door, frowning a little. Inside, Chica began to bark, but was quickly hushed as Mark unlocked and opened said door. When he saw that it was you standing there, a grin began to form on his face. "So how was your date?"

You glared softly, not speaking until you were allowed inside. "All right, what's the deal?" you spat, arms crossing over your chest.

The Korean male's smile fell flat, clearly concerned. "What do you mean?"

"Don't act all stupid, Mark! You know goddamn good and well what I'm talking about! You and your fucking text message!" The shouting came out before you could control it, and your hands began to visibly shake. It couldn't be helped, you needed answers.

Mark sat down slowly, not looking in your direction. "What about it?"

"I said to stop acting stupid. I want an explanation, Mark Fischbach."

"Well what the hell do you want from me?! Of course I want you and Tyler to be happy together!"

"Then why the fuck would you tell me you loved me?!"

His expression said everything: he had no idea what you were talking about. "What in the flying fuck did you think my text read? I asked if you loved him."

"No it fucking didn't! It read, and I quote: "I love you"! Mark, what the fuck?!"

Holding out his hand the male frowned. "Let me see the text." With a scoff you threw your phone at him, pacing while he went through your messages. "Here. See? Last night, past seven pm: "Do you love him?" You must have misread it."

Snatching your phone back you read the text repeatedly. Just as Mark had said. Asking if you loved Tyler. Your heart was in your throat and you wanted to vomit. "I don't understand," you spoke slowly. "It... it said you loved me. I even showed it to Tyler and he agreed with me. Mark..."

Discipline (Yandere Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now