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"Say it again."

"I love you, Daddy..." you replied, reluctantly. But you couldn't let him know that, no; that would have spelled trouble for you. More torture.

And that was precisely what Dark was counting on.

Stroking your hair he cooed to you. "Are you frightened? Fear not, my beloved... Anti is gone. He shall not touch you again." Your sobbing at long last tapering off, he smiled at you. "Why don't you give your Daddy a kiss?"

God damn him. You took his face and kissed the demon, willingly enough. He groaned against it and pulled you closer still, tongue fighting yours, wanting to dominate like always. You let him do so; what choice did you have?

In the back of your mind you had an awful feeling, as Dark laid you back down onto the bed, that something was missing. Something crucial.

What am I forgetting...?


You awoke with a start, though relief washed over you when you realized that Dark hadn't actually done anything to you this time. Though something still nagged at you, and for the life of you you couldn't figure it out.

Whatever. I'll remember later.

Your phone began to ring. Tyler. Your hand hovered above the device, hesitant about talking to him. You wanted so badly to talk to him, but the idea of encountering Anti again made you pause.

You let the phone ring, sliding out of bed and making a face; Anti's blood still coated you, sticky and disgusting. You took a much-needed shower, sighing with relief once you were clean.

The phone continued to ring. What could you do? Answer it and allow Dark to unleash Anti on you again? Your throat began to close as you fought back tears. No, you didn't want to have to go through that again... nor did you want to hurt Tyler.

Ignoring your phone, you walked out of the room and went downstairs, still fighting the urge to cry. It couldn't be helped. What other choice did you have? You wanted to protect him, and this was perhaps your only means to.

No matter how much it hurt.


I'm impressed, darling. Very impressed.

You winced upon hearing those words. You knew damn well why he seemed so proud of you: you had ignored Tyler's phone calls all fucking day. It hurt to do so, but you had no other options!

Tell me, beloved. Tell me what I want to hear.

Ugh. "I love you, Daddy," you managed, trying not to choke on the words. Dark all but purred as he came into your view, smirking wide.

"There, now, do you see? That wasn't so hard," he cooed, stroking the side of your face. You promptly pulled back, aggravated. "Do not fight me, darling. You know what will happen."

"What the fuck are you gonna do to me?" you questioned him, wary. There seemed to be no sign of Anti, at least.

"Reward you," Dark replied, as if the answer was obvious. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. So often had he slapped you in the past, it was hard not to flinch away. He smirked, eyes aflame. "Already trained to be wary of me. Good... good..."

That was good? This asshole...

"Darling. You should know better." He sat beside you, patting his lap. "Come, now."

"No. No fucking way am I--......" With a sigh you slid out of the bed and into his lap. Whatever it took to keep Tyler and Mark safe... right?

Dark's lips molded to your throat, sucking at the delicate skin there, bringing bruises. You said nothing, not helping nor hindering what he did. How could you refuse?

No, I know what's wrong... I feel like I'm cheating on Tyler.

"He does not love you the way I do," he murmured. "He never will."

"If this is your idea of love, I think I prefer him."

Dark paused. Had you finally struck him where it really hurt? Pulling his face away from your neck the demon eyed you silently. The longer time passed, the worse the feeling in your gut got. "Is that so? Perhaps I need to remedy that," he replied quietly.

"D-Dark, wait, I didn't--" You were promptly shoved off of his lap onto the floor as Dark stood back up, glaring down at you with such a ferocity that you wanted to puke out of fear. "What are you going to do?" you asked shakily.

"Remedy the problem," was his only response, disappearing into the darkness again.

"No! Don't hurt him!" you screamed out after him, but it was too late. Dark was gone.

After all the shit he put me through... I couldn't just let him have his way? What is he going to do?!


Like the day prior, the phone kept ringing, only it was you doing all of the calling. Tyler never picked up his phone all day, no matter what you did.

Tempted to go over to his house, there was a knock on your door just as you were about to leave. Opening said door revealed Mark, who wore an expression you couldn't decipher. "Mark, what--"

Your face was grabbed, pulled into a kiss you hadn't wanted nor expected. Shoving the male away you sputtered, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Mark pushed his way inside, opting to kiss you again as opposed to simply talking. His grip on your head was strong as he held you still, tongue working it's way into your mouth. With a whimper you tried desperately to fight him off, with no success.

I fucking knew something felt off... what is he doing?!

Panting slightly, the Korean male at last pulled away, wiping his mouth. "I know what you're thinking."

Do you?

"I can't... I can't fight it anymore. I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry for this." Tears began to spill from your eyes as Mark resumed his kiss, pushing you against the wall and pinning you in place.

Please... someone... make it stop...!

What the hell was he thinking?!

Discipline (Yandere Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now