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You were going to kill Mark Fischbach.

There was no doubt about it. You lay on your shower floor, letting the hot water wash away traces of blood from areas you had never wanted it to come from. Sobbing hysterically, all you wanted was revenge. Someone to pay for what Dark did to you. You hated him. No, you loathed him. How could he still claim to love you after all this?

But why kill Mark? Because it would get rid of Dark.

It took all of your strength to get out of the shower again, your backside aching and painful every time you moved. It was awful, but not as bad as what had caused it. You took your time drying off and getting dressed, realizing that it had been only a little while ago when your last shower had been much more... exciting.

Tyler... the day of ignoring me is past, I can see him again. But he'll just stop me from killing Mark!

The knock at your door broke your train of thought. It was eight in the morning, and you only had two thoughts: it was either Tyler, who probably couldn't wait much longer to see you, or Mark, who wouldn't leave your house alive.

Thank fuck it was the former, standing in the threshold with a crooked little grin on his face, despite the black eye and various other bruises.

The tears returned, though this time moreso in relief, and you collapsed into Tyler's mildly surprised grasp. Rubbing your back he murmured gently, "H-hey, hey, I'm all right. Sorry for ignoring your calls, but... that was kind of the plan."

You couldn't speak, so he led you towards your sofa, letting you cry on his shoulder for what felt like forever. You couldn't help it! Seeing him again had brought such an overwhelming sense of relief that it had taken over.

Eventually you pulled away, wiping your eyes hastily as you tried to smile. "Sorry... sorry, I'm just... I'm so..."

Tyler held up a hand, shaking his head. "No need to apologize. I missed you too." God damn it why was he such a sweetheart?! When you began to cry again, however, he began to worry. "What happened with Dark? Are you all right?"

You shook your head rapidly, voice breaking as you made an attempt to speak. "N-n-no.... I... h-he..." Another sob, one that you tried to bite back with no success. "He raped me..." you muttered, succumbing to the tears again.

Pulling you into a tight hug the male fell silent in fury. How could he have let this happen? Then again, hadn't it been proven that he had no way of really protecting you? Even leaving you alone had proved nothing!

Suddenly shoving him away, you took a deep breath. "I'm killing Mark," you spoke up, a bit harder than you intended. "If Mark's dead, that should take care of Dark."

"You and I both know you won't do that," Tyler reasoned, and more tears spilled over from your eyes. Damn it, he couldn't bear to see you in so much pain like this! Wiping the tears away, he frowned. "We can talk to him. Maybe he does know something and just won't admit it."

"Mark could never keep a secret, you know that," you replied softly. Boy, was that the truth. "If he knew or felt something he'd have told one of us by now."

"Maybe, maybe not. But he also doesn't believe you still. Not really. Even after knowing how he... tortured you, Mark just can't believe it. He still thinks it's something else."

"I need to talk to him," you added softly, standing up.


Too bad Ethan wasn't around to see you trying to beat the shit out of Mark. As soon as the male opened his front door, grinning a little, you tackled him. Tyler had to pull you away and physically restrain you from doing any major damage.

Stunned, Mark lay on the floor for a few long moments, watching you try to thrash your way out of Tyler's stronger grip. "What in the actual fuck...?" he spoke aloud, making you scream.

"He raped me you asshole! Lay still and keel over so the both of you are dead! Don't go fucking telling me you didn't have any idea about last night!" you screech at him. His eyes widened, and you slowly stopped squirming, though the hold on you remained. Hanging your head, you felt the lump in your throat returning. "Please... please tell me you f-felt something while you slept," you begged him.

Mark stood up, still silent for a little while. "I don't... I mean.... I don't usually dream... and when I do, I never even remember it. I'm... I'm so sorry," he said quietly. "I'm so, so sorry."

You began to hyperventilate. He had no idea? What could you do now except kill him? But Tyler was right; you couldn't have gone through with it, even if Mark would have been all right with it.

The Korean male stepped closer, hesitantly, before pulling you into a hug. You stiffened up at first but soon enough relaxed, crying against his shoulder. No, you couldn't harm him. You just couldn't.


The three of you sat in Mark's living room in an awkward silence. What was there to say after being screamed at that you had been raped, anyways? Mark looked just as uncomfortable as you did, perhaps a little moreso. Tyler had one firm hand on your thigh, to stop you from possibly trying to hurt Mark after all. "Now what do we do? Mark, come on, you must have known something," he spoke, hopeful.

But the shorter male shook his head. "I didn't dream a goddamn thing. I think I would have remembered... doing that," he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Do you believe me now?" you asked, a bit mockingly.

Mark sighed. "Yes and no. I believe you about you being hurt, but not by... not by Darkiplier. It just doesn't make any goddamn sense!" he cried, standing up and beginning to pace. "Darkiplier was fan-made! Sure I made a few silly videos about it but that's it! It's not like I'm being possessed by him!"

"No, but he's a part of you," you replied. "Tell me, did your face hurt at all when you woke up this morning? Or did you feel... good, more than usual?"

"I mean, I slept though the night and I woke up fine, if that's what you're asking." It wasn't, but you nodded anyway. Mark sighed and considered things thoughtfully. "...... my face felt like... like something had hit me in my sleep. I don't have any marks but there was a real faint stinging feeling. Does that help?"

You perked up a little. "I slapped him last night," you explained. "So you must have felt it."

"It hurt like a bitch when he punched me," Tyler cut in. "The black eye, the bruises... it scared me seeing them when I did wake up. Mark, he's powerful."

"Of course he is, he's a demon," you replied. "No normal human has eyes like that." Tyler nodded, but Mark just stood still, listening. "There has to be something we can do. I don't... I don't want to go through this again," you whispered, throat sore from the constant crying. You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders and you leaned against Tyler gratefully.

"I say fuck it. To hell with whatever this... demon thinks he can do. He obviously won't kill you." Mark frowned and added, "I just want to see you two happy together."

"He doesn't. He might kill me, Mark, he really might. He keeps saying he loves me, but... when he goes and does shit like beating me and throwing me into a cage, it's so hard to believe he loves me."

"I don't want you two to not be together," Mark repeated, pressing the matter. "Let me... I don't know... maybe I can try something. See if I sleep and actually test if I can control this... this thing that's hurting you."

It was a kind thought, but would it work?

Discipline (Yandere Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now