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(Tiny bit of smut in this too...)

You woke up in tears. Tyler had rolled away from you, snoring lightly, one arm over his eyes as he slept. Silently you cried, out of shame and of fear for what would happen next.

Shaking, you sat up, pushing the bedcovers aside. There was blood staining the sheets, drying on your legs from the cuts that Dark had so generously made.

Son of a bitch!

Your crying woke him up, and he immediately regretted having fallen asleep. Pulling you closer, Tyler murmured in your ear. "Let it out. I'm so sorry I fell asleep. It's all right, I'm here."

He might have been there but it was far from all right. The mixture of pleasure and pain from the nightmare had made you feel humiliated. How could you have let it happen?

He's going to kill me... he's going to kill me...!

Frowning when your cries didn't die down soon, Tyler sighed, hugging you tighter. "What did he do?"

You shoved him away, albeit gently, shifting around on the bed to show the male the cuts. He hissed inwardly in disbelief; there was no way you could have done it on your own. No way in hell. Why didn't Mark believe you? Your lower lip shook, only managing to croak out, "T-Tyler..."

His hands carefully wiped the tears from your face, his heart aching. He was at a total loss, not knowing what to do. If you slept, you had your nightmares, clearly ones that physically hurt you. But you couldn't just not sleep, either. And his presence quite obviously didn't help the matter. Running a hand through his hair, Tyler sighed. "I am so sorry. I don't... I don't know what to do."

In response you stood up, both looking and feeling miserable. "I've got to clean these cuts," you mumbled. But you took his hand, pulling the male out of your bed and leading him into the bathroom. Both of you had your hearts pounding; what exactly were you doing?

I don't know which is worse, the cutting or the...

I've got to get it out of my mind. I'll fucking punish you on my own, Darkiplier.

"Help me clean them," you murmured softly. You hopped up onto the counter in your bathroom, handing Tyler your little first aid kit from the cabinet. "Peroxide after you clean them, please."

He hesitated. For what reasons, he wasn't sure, but Tyler's pulse was racing visibly in his neck. Was he nervous?

"Tyler, please," you begged, gazing up at him. "He... did things to me. N-not just the cutting. I don't... please... help me forget. Please."

His touch was gentle, carefully cleaning the dried blood from your wounds before pressing peroxide to them. It stung like hell, but Tyler pressed a kiss to your throat to distract you. Your face flared up bright, realizing just how you could punish Dark.


The two of you remained in the shower until the hot water began to run out, and even then you were reluctant to leave. But eventually the both of you got dried off and dressed again. Instead of acting shy, Tyler wrapped his arms around you and gave you a crooked little grin. "Maybe you should tell me to leave you alone more often," he teased.

All you could do was go red in the face. "Shut up," you replied, grinning despite yourself. "You know Mark won't let us live this down, right?"

"Who says we have to tell him?" The male shrugged. "We don't have to if you don't want to." He hesitated before adding, "Can I ask... why you suddenly changed your mind...?"

You sighed. "He's so insistent on punishing me. Let me punish him for hurting and touching me, okay?"

"Won't that make it worse?" His face was lined with concern.

Shrugging, you smiled. "You should have asked that before I pulled you into the shower, Tyler."

He smiled again, going pink and looking off to the side. "So... what exactly did he do to you?"

Ugh. You didn't want to think about that. "H-he... ate me out," you answered slowly. Tyler began to advance on you with an expression that made your heart race all over again. "T-Tyler? What's that look for...?"

Backing you up against a nearby wall he towered over you for a few moments before suddenly dropping to his knees. Then you realized his intentions and turned a violent shade of red.

His hands moved at an agonizingly slow pace, undoing your jeans and sliding the fabric down from your hips. You may have just showered with the male but you nonetheless felt more exposed this way. The fire that had been building for the past two hours flared up white-hot again, and your spine began to curl away from the wall even before Tyler put his mouth to your flesh.

He spread you open wide, warm tongue passing over the throbbing spot until you began to whimper, unable to stop the sounds coming out. Was he trying to make you forget what Dark had done? His eyes glanced up towards you, watching your reaction and making your stomach jump wildly. Just as he began to suck at your clit, the doorbell rang.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Tyler stood back up as you struggled not to collapse, the fire still burning in your gut as he went to answer the door. Hastily you fixed your clothing, ready to chew out whomever had just arrived.

Of course it was Mark. The shorter male seemed very surprised when a pissed-off Tyler answered your door. "U-um... I didn't expect to see you," he stuttered, eyebrows raised. When you appeared, red in the face and seemingly weak as you walked, he grinned. "Was I interrupting something?"

"You're a fucking cockblock," Tyler replied, glaring.


Mark couldn't stop laughing. At least he wasn't disappointed in you, not any longer. You had clearly decided to give Tyler the chance he deserved.

Eventually he stopped laughing long enough to question what was really going on, and the mood turned more somber. Looking away, you murmured, more to yourself than to either of them, "I already told you."

The Korean male's brows furrowed. "You can't expect me to believe that you're having problems with Darkiplier. He's not real."

"He's real enough." Tyler cut in before you could respond, his tone mildly aggravated. "He's cut her, Mark. He cut up her legs last night. There's blood all over her bed, and don't go trying to believe that she did them herself, either." He was clearly well prepared for Mark's skepticism.

"Then what the fuck is going on?" Mark replied softly. He still wasn't sure what to believe, though he was sure that you would have never cut yourself intentionally. "What... what in the fubbernuck is going on?"

"Stop trying to make this a joke, Mark," you spoke up. "I'll fucking show you the cuts if you still don't believe me."

He held up his hands. "Hey, hey, I believe you. Or at least I believe you didn't do them yourself." He pressed his hands to his temples, trying to think. "So... you clearly didn't do them. Tyler would rather jump off a cliff than hurt you. So... what did it?"

"I told you! It's fucking Darkiplier! He's a fucking demon, and he only shows up when I'm asleep!" You sighed, not wanting to cry in front of either of them. "I don't... I don't know why this is happening. He keeps telling me that I belong to him, and he punishes me for even looking at another guy."

"So then what would happen if we stayed away?" Mark asked quietly. He didn't like the expression that Tyler was giving him, and he held up his hands again. "Not forever. Just for a day. See what happens. See if you still, uh... get punished."

Tyler sighed, winced, then shook his head. "Maybe he's right. Just for a day. Are you okay with that?" he added, eyeing you.

You shrugged. Being left alone for a day? What did you have to lose?

Discipline (Yandere Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now