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It was worth a shot. The two males quietly went home- not before Tyler had kissed your cheek as a goodbye- promising to leave you be for the next day. As a test of sorts.

But that wasn't what you were worried about. You lay awake that night, too scared to fall asleep. Too scared to enjoy what had happened earlier that day already.

If Dark didn't want Tyler killed just yet, he might now. And that terrified you. You fought sleep as best you could, but soon enough your eyes were closing of their own accord.

Please... please let everything be okay.


There was no awakening slap to your face this time. Instead you woke up to Dark hovering above you, removing his jacket. He glared down at you as you began to stir; you could feel the pressure of the male straddling you.

You felt so trapped.

"Look at me." Slowly you did as you were commanded, and emotion already began to overflow within you, your eyes growing watery. "You know why I'm angry, don't you, darling?"

You nodded, too afraid to open your mouth. Yes, you knew precisely why he was so angry with you. The same reason as always: Tyler. Always Tyler. And it hadn't been a mere kiss this time around, you had intentionally allowed the male to touch you in ways that would hurt Dark emotionally. You were breaking his heart, couldn't you see that?

"How could you? You purposely went and hurt me, darling. Why?" Dark sounded so incredibly depressed that for an instant you pitied him.

Then you realized just what he had already done to you and the sympathy faded.

"Because fuck you, that's why!" You tried to sound angry, or in the very least brave, but your voice was quivering at the edges. So much for confidence.

"Then perhaps it is time for a new tactic," the male spoke quietly. Much to your surprise he got off of you, putting his jacket back on and walking away, melting into the darkness.

When he didn't come back, you began to panic. What was he planning on doing?

Wait... no... oh God, no...

You desperately tried to go back to sleep, wanting to wake up and have things be back to normal, but your heart was pounding too hard for you to be able to relax.

You knew what Dark was doing. And in your current state of consciousness there was no way for you to stop him.


It took hours for you to fall back to sleep, and Dark never returned. When you at last woke up again, you promptly snatched up your phone, calling Tyler. The phone rang and rang endlessly; he never answered.

"Damn it Tyler, come on... pick up your fucking phone...!"

Had you forgotten that he had promised to leave you alone that day? It was no wonder that he didn't answer your calls, but it didn't stop you from trying continuously. After a good half hour you gave up, having left three separate voicemails and realizing that you probably came off as clingy now.

Please be okay... please, please be okay... I swear if Dark hurts him, I...

You sighed and picked up the phone yet again, this time dialing Mark's number.

At least he was willing to break your promise at six in the morning. "Hello...?" was his sleepy answer.

"M-Mark? I.... I need a favor... I know you guys promised to leave me alone, but--"

"We did. Why are you calling?"

"I can't get a hold of Tyler," you replied, tears spilling from your eyes. "I had another nightmare but I was left alone for most of it. I think he went after Tyler and I can't get him to pick up his fucking phone!"

"Okay, okay," the Korean male spoke softly, trying to placate you. "Just calm down. I'll go over and see what's up, okay?" Whatever it took to calm you down.


Several more hours passed, and your anxiety had reached an all-time high.

What the fuck had happened?!

Not knowing was going to slowly kill you. It was late in the afternoon before you received any sort of answer, in the form of a knock at your door. You ran to it, flinging it open and coming face to face with Mark. Alone.

You had to bite back a sob. This wasn't what you were hoping for.

Either he sensed that you were on the verge of tears or he had already intended it; either way, Mark pulled you into a hug. "I am so sorry I didn't believe you," he whispered. "Tyler's okay. He's a little banged up, and he's got a hell of a black eye, but that seems to be about all."

Exhausted with relief, you finally allowed yourself to cry, breaking down into Mark's arms. He gently walked you out of the open threshold and towards your sofa, into which you gratefully sank, still clinging to the male. "If he's okay, wh-why hasn't he...?"

"Tyler keeps his promises. I did tell him you were worried, so at least he knows." Mark smiled a touch. "He said he would call you tomorrow morning, first thing." You nodded, and his smile faded a little. "So what do we do now?"

"I'm going to kill him," you muttered.

That was what he was afraid of. "Please... don't," the male murmured.

Was he fucking serious? "Do you expect me to just sit back and let this demon torment both me and the guy I like?" you spat.

Mark flinched away, looking down at the floor. "Isn't Darkiplier a part of me? What if it kills me too?"

Shit. You hadn't thought of that. You didn't want to harm your friend, but neither did you want to simply sit back and let Dark torture Tyler. "Then what the fuck do I do, Mark?" you asked harshly.

With a sigh he leaned over, rubbing his face. "I don't know. I really don't. But... please don't kill him until we know for sure it won't affect me."

It wasn't a promise you wanted to keep, but perhaps for the time being you had no choice.

Discipline (Yandere Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now