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"Sean, what the f--"

The blade was pressed to your throat before you could finish your question. He- it WAS Sean, was it not?- grinned wide. "Try again~" he cooed.

You didn't understand, your entire body shaking. The blade was warm, a fact you tried to ignore.

Dark merely tried to smile, clearly not happy with the presence of another male despite having called for him. "Do as you must," he murmured, walking away and leaving the two of you alone.

Was Sean his punishment? "Sean, listen.... I don't... I don't--"

"No. Do NOT call me that!" The green-haired male brandished his knife, pressing it more insistently to your neck. "I am ETERNAL. Anti. I am Anti, you stupid bitch."

What? You eyed him, watching his very existence flicker in and out of reality. He was like... like some sort of glitch in life. It was the only way to describe the way he seemed to move. "Let me guess," you spoke softly, "Anti-septic-eye. Antiseptic. Great. Are you just another fucking fan-made bullshit personality like Dark?" Where were people coming up with these things?

He began to giggle through his wide grin. "You DO learn fast. You and I are going to have LOTS of fun together~"


He was choking you. Sitting on top of you on your bed with his hands wrapped around your neck. Anti even began to shake you violently, and you were terrified he would simply snap your neck like a ragdoll. "Do YoU LIKE bEInG cHoKEd?" he asked, blank eyes wide as his hands squeezed your throat. You tried to shake your head no but he merely choked you harder. "SAy yEs anD I'll Let yOU Go~"

Was he honest? As much as he looked like Sean, he was completely unhinged, beyond insanity. Struggling for the air he purposely withheld from you, you merely nodded. At last he released his grip and you saw stars bloom in your vision as oxygen filled your lungs again. You coughed roughly, grasping your neck as your eyes grew teary. What sort of punishment was this?! "Wh-why..." you managed, too scared to look into his eyes.

"BecAUsE tHaT iDiOT nEEdeD mY HelP," Anti replied, as if the answer was obvious. He waved the knife in front of your face again, slowly tracing the curve of your lips. "He says he loves you and you just... don't... care."

"I'm in love with someone else!"

Anti pushed the knife to your mouth, threatening to cut it wider. He so wanted to carve out your offensive tongue, to watch the blood pour from your mouth, but that would have been going too far. He had been hired to scare you into obedience. But it was awfully fun to play with you. Removing the blade from your mouth Anti held it to your jawline, grinning still. "No, you need to love him," he cooed.

"Who are you?!" you screeched. Dark was one thing, but now there were two look-alikes to deal with?!

"I AM ETERNAL!" was his only reply. The knife pressed into your skin, and he giggled as he drew blood. It stung, but wasn't nearly as painful as being choked. Tears overflowed in your eyes, and he laughed to see them. "Say you love him," he spoke. "SAy iT!"

You hesitated, feeling blood dripping down to your chin. It was warm, and made you wince. You were too afraid of his knife to disobey. "I l-love.... him..." you stammered, but thought only of Tyler, not Dark.

"She lies," came Dark's voice, hissing in disapproval.

Prying your mouth open, Anti slowly pushed his blade inside. You could feel the sharp metal on your tongue. "Try again, bitch. Say you love him."

Despite the knife you spoke around it, trying not to sob and therefore cut yourself unwittingly. "I love you, Dark!"

Anti began to flicker again, excited. There was progress. He removed the knife, slamming his lips to yours and sucking at your tongue. Dark hissed inwardly but did not stop him; if it gave the results he wanted, he couldn't complain.

You fought against the kiss, at last breaking it and slapping the male. Dark chuckled from the void.

Anti replied not with words, but by shoving the knife into his throat, cutting it wide open, blood pouring down his chest and onto you as he watched your reaction. All you could do was scream, hands clenched around your ears.

This isn't happening! This isn't fucking happening! Sean, stop!! Please!

Anti removed the knife, watching you freak out and smiling. Yes, this was precisely what Dark had been expecting. Panting, he wiped the blood from his weapon and smeared it on your face. "WhO dO YoU lOVe?"

"D-D-Dark! I love Dark!" you screamed, unable to stop the sobbing sounds that came from your sore throat.

A little torture always worked when it came to Anti. Dark approached again with a serene smile, pulling you into his arms despite the blood that Anti was letting go all over the bed. You clung to the demon, face buried into his chest and sobbing hysterically.

Your thoughts had been nowhere around Tyler this time. Progress was progress. Stroking your hair, Dark turned to the glitch and nodded. Annoyed, Anti disappeared; he had been hoping to keep going, but you had already broken. So much for his fun.

Dark was all but purring, sitting down and pulling you into his lap. He might have been an awful being, but Anti was considerably worse. It was the best punishment he could have thought of, to frighten you into doing exactly what you were doing: going to Dark willingly.

You couldn't get the image of Sean out of your head, slitting his own throat. Nor could you stop your sobbing, your hands gripping Dark's jacket. If you had to lie and tell the demon you loved him, you would do it, so long as you never had to deal with Anti again.

Lifting your face, your tears were wiped away gently, along with the blood that had been smeared onto it. Anti was so messy. "It's all right, my darling," Dark purred, "I'm right here. He shall not bother you any longer." Then he grinned. "Is there something you'd like to tell Daddy?"

Your crying tapering off, you nodded. "I l-love you..."

And if you do not, beloved, I shall be more than happy to fetch Anti.

Discipline (Yandere Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now