9. What Is Your Dream?

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Back in the past, a while after the incident, Fernando guided all the aircraft passengers to his brother's hostel.

YOUNG FERNANDO – Listen everyone, all our borders are occupied for now, including the American border which means you sadly can't continue your trip to Las Vegas for the time being. Thus, you'll stay here the following days until we find a solution. Let me introduce my brother Raphael and his wife Cassandra to you. They will ensure that you have a good stay with us.

YOUNG RAPHAEL – Hola! Let me guide you to your rooms.       

As everybody had gone to their rooms, Fernando followed Ruby to hers while she was unpacking her stuff.

YOUNG FERNANDO – Let me help you.

YOUNG RUBY – Oh, thank you.

YOUNG FERNANDO – I hope you weren't too scared earlier.

YOUNG RUBY – Me? Oh come on, I've experienced much worse in my life, an emergency landing feels just like a roller coaster ride.

YOUNG FERNANDO – But you know we're in the middle of a war, right?

YOUNG RUBY – Yeah, but that's no big deal. Wars sound fun, I couldn't wait to live one.

YOUNG FERNANDO – You show all your grace from the inside, even under pressure, just like the lion. While on the outside, you look as fragile as the butterfly.

YOUNG RUBY – Oh, I get it! You're one of those smooth talkers who likes to compare common traits to majestic animals, good job. But trust me, the butterfly you see won't let you catch it so easily.

YOUNG FERNANDO – Well, I won't hide the fact that I won't stop trying to catch it, until I succeed.

And they smiled at each other.

YOUNG FERNANDO  By the way, you don't sound American, why were you going to Las Vegas?

YOUNG RUBY It would be long to explain.

YOUNG FERNANDO We've got plenty of time!

YOUNG RUBY – Well, since I was a kid, my biggest dream has been to become a singer. And recently, I got in touch with the head of a record company from Las Vegas so I decided to throw myself into the lion's mouth. Sounds familiar, right?

YOUNG FERNANDO (laughing) Yeah! I see... So, you sing?

YOUNG RUBY Oh, singing is my whole life! Whenever I sing, all my doubts disappear and everything just falls into place. My friends call me "the party spark". Don't you have a dream?

YOUNG FERNANDO I don't believe.

YOUNG RUBY Everybody has a dream, come on!

YOUNG FERNANDO – Well, I would like to manage a hotel by my own: a huge complex next to the sea; maybe in Greece. I don't know if we can call it a "dream".

YOUNG RUBY – Really? Wow, you're truly ambitious!

YOUNG FERNANDO - Yeah, you could say so. My goal is to make it to the Vatel Ciudad; it's a prestigious hotel and business school in the capital. I've already sent my application but still haven't received any reply... Anyway, for the moment, my country needs me and I have to fight.

YOUNG RUBY - It's only a matter of time. Don't give up, your dream will come true one day, trust me.

YOUNG FERNANDO – Thank you golden hair girl. Good luck with your dream too.

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