18. The Storm

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Once he finished playing with his mother, Donny decided to return to the graveyard but when he arrived, he got surprised to see Samantha, sitting next to Donna's tomb and reading Ruby's book that Donny had left there.

SAMANTHA – I knew that you would come back.

DONNY – Give me back the book!

SAMANTHA – No I won't! Tell me why you come here to read it every day.

DONNY – It's none of your business.

SAMANTHA – Fine! Then the book's mine...

Samantha ran away while holding the book and laughing. Irritated, Donny ran after her all over the woods. After a long pursuit, Samantha stumbled. Donny jumped on her and wrapped his arms around her, forbidding her to escape.

DONNY – I got you!

The two kids had a few seconds of eye contact before realizing what was going on. Both blushed awkwardly. Then, Donny stood up intimidated and helped Samantha to get up.

SAMANTHA – Donny, where are we?

Donny looked around him, not recognizing anything.

DONNY – I... I don't know... Well done Samantha! We're lost by your fault.

SAMANTHA – My fault?! If you did answer my question, we wouldn't be here right now...

DONNY – Understand that it's personal stuff! You can't always have what you want, you know what you are?

SAMANTHA – What am I? Tell me...

DONNY - You're just a spoiled little brat!

SAMANTHA – Hugger-mugger!

DONNY – Onion-eyed!

Suddenly, a thunder sounded. Meanwhile, at the hotel, Bobby's wife had noticed that Samantha was missing.

BOBBY (to the phone) – Joe? Yeah, everything is going as smooth as silk! I've sent the DNA samples this morning and we'll get the results in the following days. It's only a matter of time before we discover if our father is really Sophie's one. Got to go, I'll talk to you later...

He hung up. At that moment, his wife Suzy showed up.

SUZY – Honey, did you see Samantha?

BOBBY – I think she's out.

Suddenly, a second thunder sounded.

SUZY – I'm afraid it's a storm. Samantha needs to come back right now...

BOBBY – Darling, don't worry, it's only a thunder, not a big deal.

All of a sudden, the sky turned grey and it started raining cats and dogs.

BOBBY – Okay, I think you must be right...

Looking from the window, Bobby's wife got anxious.

SUZY – Bobby, we must look for our daughter, maybe she's lost

BOBBY – No need to be afraid, she's probably at Sophie's.

SUZY – We can't stay here! We need to go find her!

BOBBY – Honey, calm down...

SUZY – I can't calm down! My daughter's maybe out there in that storm. I'm going to Sophie's.

BOBBY – Okay wait, I'll come with you.

Forthwith, Samantha's parents quit the hotel, rushing under the rain to Sophie's house.

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