24. Let The Party Commence

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In the present, at the party, Harry was teaching Donny how to play the guitar while Ruby and Fernando were celebrating their reunion.

RUBY – Excuse me, excuse me for everything. Our argument had no sense. How could I prefer a tour over you? It took me 45 years to find you, and now I realize that I want to spend the bit lasting of my life next to you.

FERNANDO – Mi amor, you know that I could never be mad at you. I was as responsible as you in this story. Let's forget what happened and enjoy what's left.

RUBY – Te quiero.

FERNANDO - Te quiero mas.

Meanwhile, a special guest arrived to the party: it was Raphael, Fernando's brother.

FERNANDO – Hermano! I'm so glad you could come.

RAPHAEL – I would have never missed such a party. Where is my dear Tanya? I missed her so much.

Suddenly, Tanya came running towards Raphael.

TANYA – Look who's here! My 100 fires still burning more than ever...

Raphael kissed Tanya's hand.

RAPHAEL – Tanya, I have been waiting for this moment since weeks.

Likewise, on their side, Bill and Rosie were having a wise conversation.

ROSIE – So, you came back as I see... Of course, you couldn't miss such a party. And you wanted to be next to your daughter...

BILL – You're right, but you forgot the most important reason.

ROSIE – Which is...?

BILL – You!

ROSIE – Well, I thought you'd need more time to think...

BILL – I thought the same, but for once in my life, I've decided to stop thinking and just act spontaneously.

ROSIE – Really? And what did you found out?

BILL – I love you Rosie! I'll never stop loving you and now, I'm sure of it! Trust me. All I want is to spend every day of my life with you.

ROSIE – Oh Bill! I love you!

They hugged each other and kissed passionately. Everybody was having a good time, except Sophie and Sky who was still ignoring his wife. Sam sat next to his daughter, trying to cheer her up.

SAM – I'm so proud of you honey.

SOPHIE – Really?

SAM – Of course, and I'm sure that Donna is too.

SOPHIE – How I wish she was here, our dancing queen...

Suddenly, the Carmichael brothers arrived to the party. They had just received the results of the DNA test. Joe was determined to open the envelope and reveal the truth in front of everybody during the party.

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