14. Love Isn't Easy

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After reading this chapter, Donny understood that love isn't always perfect. When two persons love each other, they have to make sacrifices whenever they face problems and to deal with ups and downs, which don't always have a good ending. Suddenly, someone appeared from behind a tree: it was Samantha.

SAMANTHA – To whom where you talking?

DONNY (surprised and shy) - I... I wasn't talking...

SAMANTHA - Yes you were! I heard you! Were you talking alone?

DONNY – No, I wasn't.

Donny got up but feeling ashamed, he stumbled and fell down which made Samantha laugh. Forthwith, he ran away.

DONNY (sighing) – Girls...

Then, he returned to the hotel where Tanya and Rosie were having a tea with some cake. The 2 women noticed that Donny wasn't feeling good so they invited him to join them.

ROSIE – What's going on darling?

TANYA – Why are you so sad?

DONNY – Well, it's my parents. I'm afraid they divorce.

TANYA – What are these bad thoughts?! Listen Donny, your parents are just going through a difficult phase. Believe me, their love is stronger than anything.

ROSIE - But you know sometimes the difficulties you face are what makes you stronger.

TANYA – That's true! And you'll see, once they reconcile, their love will be even stronger that it was. Take the example of your great aunt Rosie, her fiancé let her down and she misses him a lot, but she's strong and she understands his decision. Am I right Rosie?

Rosie started to cry.

TANYA – Bolstering, bolstering...

DONNY – But auntie Tanya, you've been married three times and still neither of your marriages has lasted.

TANYA – That's true honey, but you know, it's because neither of my husbands was good enough for me! And I'm still searching for husband number 4.

ROSIE - Oh really? Wasn't it because you ruined them by spending all their millions?

TANYA (whispering) – Not in front of the boy, darling...

DONNY – Well, love is too difficult, I think I'll never understand it.

ROSIE – You're right honey, love isn't easy.

TANYA – But it sure is hard enough.

(Song: Love Isn't Easy)

As the music started, Tanya disguised herself as a man, putting on a hat and a fake mustache.

TANYA - Do you remember the first time, and all of your sweet sweet talk?
Ain't heard it a lot since then love

ROSIE - Now look at that guy, he's making me cry
He leaves every morning and he hardly says goodbye

TANYA - But if I would have to choose I wouldn't let you go
Just give it some more time and you will see our love will grow
Darling, I know

ROSIE & TANYA - We gotta have patience
Love isn't just a sensation
Some of the time it gets rough

Rosie fell down.

ROSIE & TANYA - Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
Giving love is a reason for living
But a few things can be tough
Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)

TANYA - From the first moment I saw you I've treated you like a queen
I've given you lots of presents

ROSIE - Now listen to that, just look at that cat
You'd think he was an angel but he's talking through his hat

TANYA - But if I would have to choose I wouldn't let you go
Just give it some more time and you will see our love will grow
Darling I know

ROSIE & TANYA - We gotta have patience
Love isn't just a sensation
Some of the time it gets rough

Rosie fell down.

ROSIE & TANYA - Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
Giving love is a reason for living
But a few things can be tough
Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
Love isn't just a sensation
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
Some of the time it gets rough
Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
Love is a reason for living
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
But a few things can be tough
Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough

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