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(Sapphires POV)

"Ha! So? I mean, I let the girl borrow my BVB beanie, and that biatch still has it." I state as I dock my hip to the side and crack a smile. Toby runs a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, b-but I kinda need th-those." He sighs heavily, "I'm just gonna have to g-go get them." I shake my head, but EJ beats me to a response.

"Dude, she flopped me over her shoulder without breaking a sweat. You're gonna die." He turns bright red, then glares at him. I laugh, and shake my head.

"She'll behave. Just, do me a favor and don't make a lot of noise?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Why?" Toby turns to me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Her dad has big guns. And lots of them." He giggles.

"O-Oh. Ok." I chuckle.

"Tic, why don't you head home? Slendy got some more waffles."

"Don't call me Tic." Then, he disappears with a crackle of static. EJ chuckles, and turns to me.

"So, I'm getting kind of hungry, too. I better get going." I pout slightly as he kisses the top of my head.

"Why don't you just eat here?" He chuckles again.

"You serve kidneys?" I laugh and blush.

"No. Ill have to put it on the menu." He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Don't worry. Ill be back later. Bye." With that, he disappears just like Toby. I sigh.


"Hey." I startle as EJ slips into my room through my window. I sigh in relief.

"Hey. I thought you forgot about me." I say with a teasing smile. He laugh and hugs me.

"I can never forget about you." I blush, and punch him lightly in the stomach.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He grabs his stomach with his hand, and bends over in pain.

"That was for making me worry. And this," I lift his mask and kiss him deeply, "Is for everything else." We cuddle up on my bed, watching a new romcom my mother bought me.

"Sapphire, I love you." He suddenly blurts. I lay there, slightly in shock, working up the courage to speak. Christy's voice, Love isn't real. Its a made up emotion that we get sold to make us feel like we have something more than we acctually have, drifts to me, and I quickly push it down.

"I love you too, Jack." He hugs me tighter to him, and I slowly close my eyes, and sleep in the arms of my killer.

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