Chapter 27

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(A;N: Fair warning; Last chapter. Long as FUCK. SO MANY FEEEEEEELZ! Will be two spin offs though, so dont worry! One for Christy and Toby, Our World Now, and one for Saph and Jack. Dont ask me, I dont know. XD~BG)

I watched his greasy black hair bob as he started shivering in the cold night air. I smiled slowly and sickly, wanting to see him suffer as much as I could. Silently, I jump down from my perch in the tree, and slowly advance on him.

I had to work fast.

Saph knew where I was. 

Yeah, I know. That sneaky little bitch. Using her communications to get a pin point on my location. Thats alright, though. Ill be done before she ever gets to me.

"Oh, Jeff..." I call teasingly. His back straighten, and he whips around, pulling his knife. I grip my axe tightly, and smile at him slowly. His leathery skin almost paled, and his eyes suddenly filled with fear at the insane look on my face.

"So... I got lucky before, huh?" I taunt him. He starts backing away, and turns, sprinting away from me. I pursue calmly, watching as he runs into an alley. I walk in after him, seeing him look around frantically, then turn back to me, opening his mouth to say something before I cut him off. "Whos helpless now?" I ask darkly, raising the axe above my head, gripping the handle with both hands. I advance.

"S-Stop!" He yells, throwing his knife up, colliding with my axe. His supieror strength makes my axe swing back. I stumble, and growl, gripping it with both hands again and swinging it at his side in a dead sprint. He ducks.

"Hold- STILL!" I scream, and he backs away. I  smirk andd run forward, making the wolrd blur as I run up the wall behind him, and flip off of it. I land on his shoulders, and grab his hair. He stabs my thigh, and I scream with pain, then jerk back, making us both slam into the brick wall. I takke my axe, and he rips out his kniife.  I lean down, whispering into his ear.

"You never fuck with me and my family, Jeff. This is your final lesson." He gasps out a laugh.

"You talk to much." His hand swings up, and theres a moment of deja vu, back to when I firts met him on the street and stabbed him in the chest, blood spurting everywhere.

Except, this time, the blood the spatters against the walls...

Is mine.

I fall back, blood pouring from the wound in my chest, my heart beat growing weaker with each breath. I feel my eyes widen, and he steps back, smiling as I sit there on the ground on my knees. He roundhouse kicks the knife until its buried hilt deep into my chest. I cough uup blood, pain over taking my body, and slolwy collapse to the side, just as an agony filled scream fills the night.

"NO!" I slowly blink the hazy black from my eyes, seeing Toby ruun towards me, and Saph and EJ going after Jeff. Then, Toby is holding my head in his lap, ripping off our goggles and crying.

"T-Toby.." I cough up, blood exploding from my mouth. He winces and looks down, his twitching, shaking hand grabbing the hilt in my chest and ripping it out with a  wet sounding tug. I yelp, but the darkness slowly enveloping my mind lleaves no energy for anything else.

"N-N-No... P-Please... D-Dont you l-leave me t-t-t-to..." He sobs, and leans over me, hugging me tightly. I smile, and slowly close my eyes, my one final though being;

At least... I died... in the arms... of the man.. I love.


Her last breath shuddered out of her chest, a small content smile on her face. And my heart shattered. For the second time in my life, I experienced true, life altering pain. And I cried. I sobbed. Until I heard Saph yelling into the night.

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