Chapter 15

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"Well, on better news, Christy's birthday is October 13. Which is tomorrow. Christy, go to your room! Toby, Jack, we have to get planning." I blink and blush.

"Saph! You know I dont like parties!" I scold her, and cross my arms. Toby turns to me and smiles, tilting his head.

"How old'll ya be?" He asks, and I turn away.

"17." He chuckles and playfully punches my arm.

"You're getting old, arent you?" I blush and glare at him.

"I'd ask how long you've been 17, but I dont want to sound like a retarded cliched bitchy little slut." He blinks and looks taken aback.

"Wait, what?" I wave my ahdn and turn away.

"Bella Swan. Twilight." He laughs suddenly, and I walk to Sally's room. I peek my head in, and knock slightly.

"Chrispy! Will you play with me and my dolls?" She asks with a smile. I open my mouth to say yes, and see the knife. I raise an eyebrow and smirk at her.

"Just because you re-worded your catchphrase doesnt mean I'm fooled. I will not play with you. Besides, I dont like dolls." Her face falls, and she smiles sweetly, kicking the knife away with her toes and a giggle, "Well, regular ones anyway."

"Huh? What do you  mean?" I smile, and motion for her to follow me. She jumps up, her big pink shirt (which she stole from me) swishing against her knees. She skips after me, and I open up my door, and pad in. I start up the computer that is on the desk, and sit down on the big purple beanbag. Toby had already brought multiples of my things at home, with a few additions, like the computer. I log onto the website, and pull up my personal album. "Alright, Sally, meet the Living Dead Dolls." She peeks over my shoulder, and gasps with delight.

"They're so cool!" She screams, and I wince, smiling. I click through my album of the ones I own, the ones that Toby almost bought again for me, but I told him that its better to miss them than have multiples. He'd just rolled his eyes and smiled. I click onto LuLu's picture, and Sally grabs my injured shoulder.

"OH MY ZALGO I WANT HER!!!" I wince and yelp, and she pulls back. "Oh! Im sorry! I forgot!" I wave her off.

"Its fine." I groan out, and set the computer down, and roll my shoudler slightly, wincing and grinding my teeth in pain. I close my eyes, keeping the tears in. She gets up and runs out. I slowly peal away my shirt, now soaking with blood, and peal away the bandages. I rub the blood away, and wince at every throb of pain. I stand up and stumble over to the mirror, seeing the nasty stitches and cut. I glare at it, and pick up a pair of scissors.

"No wonder it hurts." Toby says as he comes in, holding a first aid kit.

"Who sewed me up?" I ask as I snip open the stitches.

"Uh, E-EJ..." He stutters, staring at me in horror. I grunt and push my shirt down so I can get all of the stitches. Toby turns bright red and looks away, and I realize half of my bra is showing. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"For his weapon being a surgical tool, he sucks at sewing." I say as I grab the first aid kit and start re-sewing the stitches. I bite down on a rolled uo bandage, and wince as each new stitch goes through.

"How do you do that?" Toby asks, and gently starts cleaning the blood up, and helping me clean up.

"My dad taught me how to protect myself and others after I got lost." We share a secret smile, and my heart beats. "I guess that includes being able to sew myself up." He nods, and looks down.

"So, youre birthday's tomorrow?" I nod, and grunt, turning around and carefully peal off my shir completely, not shy about my curvy body. Most girls are embarrased about their bodies, especially ones with as much meat as me, but Im not. As far as Im concerned, if people have a problem with my body, well, they can go fuck themselves, cause they wont be doing me.

"U-Uh, Ch-Christy..." I roll my eyes and look over my shoudler to see Tic covering his eyes and blushing as red as a tomatoe. I smile and toss the blood-soaked shirt aside, and walk over. I stand in front of him, and gently take his hands.

"Tic." I say softly, and he opens one of his eyes slightly, blushes even redder, and slams it shut again. I chuckle and shake my head. "Ticci." I say again.

"I dont want to look." He whispers, and I squeeze his hands.

"Its fine. If I cared about you seeing my body, I never wouldve let you stay in the room while I stitched myself up in the first place." I lean closer, and whisper against his ear, "Open you eyes, Toby." I pull back, and he slowly opens his beautiful hazel eyes. I tilt my head, my purple hair spilling over my cheeks as I smile.

"See? Thats not so bad, now is it?" He smiles back, and grips my hands with his gloved hands. I look down, and gently start pulling his gloves off, placing my small hands back into his strong, scarred and calloused ones, then look back up at him, my hair covering most of my face in a plum-colored veil. His one hand leaves mine, and slowly, ever so gently, he pushes a strand behind my ear. I blush, and my smile softens, something only he can bring out.

"You sh-should smile like that more.." He whispers, getting closer. I smile widely, and almost rbing my lips agisnt his, when, "I-I made you a present..." slips out from between his lips. I sigh and pull back. "What?" He asks nervously.

"Nothing." I smirk. He starts twitching, and cracks his neck, a sound like a machine gun emitting from his spine. I smile, and he pulls his hand away, and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small box, about the size of my hand, black and wrapped in purple string. I gently take it, and smile at him. I slowly unwind the string, and open the box.

Inside, are a pair of goggles.

Orange glassed, like his, but mine are more of a steam-punk style, with silver side that have ivory vines etched into them. I stare in awe at them, and he reaches up, gently take them out, and placing them on my head, then pulling them down over my eyes. I smile, and he touches my cheek with a shaky hand.

"There. Now you can show as much emotion as you want without the world seeing everything. And want to see something cool?" I nod, bluxhing from the emotions comment. He pulls on his own goggles, and I can see his eyes just as clearly as if we werent wearing orange tinged goggles at all.

"You're right. That is cool." I say, and hear footsteps coming down the hall. I jerk back, and quickly pull on his sweatshirt over my black bra. He smiles, and Saph barges into my room.

"Toby, what are you-" She stops, and looks at my goggles. She smiles and laughs. "Toby, those look awesome! Good Job." She turns with a wink and leaves. I smile slightly at my friend, and look down at the ground.

"I'd better go help Saph bake, or she's gonna set the house on fire." Tic says as he rushes over, places a quick kiss on my cheek, and runs downstairs. I cover my cheek with my hand and smile goofily, collapsing on my beanbag.

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