chapter 12

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" Christy toby sally  dinner !" I yell up the stairs then turn around to head back to the table. There jack was setting everyones place."hey cutie you look good and smell good too." Jack replied as he kissed me . " thanks I guess." i mumble pulling jack in for another kiss " ill go get dinner." i said as i headed to the kitchen. When I returned every one  was persent." ok waffel for toby waffels ith nutella for christy sally for you some chinken nuggents and of course Jack my love some nice bloody kidneys and for me mac and cheeze with bacon.  Every one like what they got?" I asked noticeing that half of the pile of waffles on tobys place gone and his face was covered in syurp." um Toby you have a little some thing all over you face." i pointed out " Ive got it Saph ." Christy replied whiping tobys mouth for him like hes a litte kid . " i i could have wiped my own face you know." toby repiled a little imbarresed. " Hey jack i have a odd question." i blutted out for no reason " What is it darling?" he asked " um what do kidneys taste like ? Odd i know i was just Wondering." i mubled a little  " to me they taste like raw chicken yummy."  Jack smile then took a big bite of one of the kidneys in front of him " good to know ." i know to some people eating kidneys might be a turn off but to me it made him unquite and to me normal if you can call eating some dead guys kidneys normal. After dinner Jack and i cleaned the dishes then put them a way ." hey saph would like to see my room?" Jack asked grabbing my hand to kiss it ever so gentaly " i would love to ." I think i blussed we headed up the stairs the down a narro hallway the third door n  the right was his "close you eyes please." Jack replied still holdingmy hand so i dont fall." ok Open." Jack commaned " wow its beautiful " his room had a 50inch flat screen a queen sized bed and his own bathroom and on the other side of his bed way a huge bay window look ing out over the lake " wow" i repeated." thanks do you like?" Jack asked " Jack it beautiful." i replied in awe " ok now my turn since we watched a movie in you room would you please join me on the bed ." jack let go of my hand to put in the Adams family my favorite movie." Jack did you kno that the Adams family is my favorite movie?"  i asked as i  sat on his bed waiting for him to join me ." Yes i did i like i said when you meet me that day at the park i've been watching you Plus i love this movie ." Jack gave me a quick smile . "Jack you know i love you right ." " i kno but do you know i love you more." " awe jack you are the sweetest guy ive ever meet." i trow my arms around his waits giving him a tight squeez . Jack pulled me close and he kissed me with a passion that wat amazing it left me breatless. Breathing fast i kissed him back witha force knocking the ind out of both of us . When i pulled back an eurtion of laughter from chisty toby and sallycam from the door way. "Hey all of you out of my room you guy are being cock blocker damn it." said slamming his door in there faces. i giggled" now where were we." " i think i rember jack said pulling me close for a kissed and we currled up next to each other are bodies pressed close. We stated that way in till the end of the movie jack passed out so i just fell a sleep right there with the love of my life.

Awe happy ending dont you think

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