Chapter 23 -Taking Anitiative

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Jack and Saph had already made their way upstairs, taken a shower, and were now cuddled up in bed. How do I know? Because BEN's taunts could be heard from down stairs, where Christy and I were shyly sitting close enough on the couch for our legs to touch. I kept sneaking glances out the corner of my eye at her, loving the way her hair turned lavender instead of plum in the fullmoon light that was streaming through the window. Or her long, painted black eyelashes creating a gentle flutter every time she blinked at the program we were watching, which is apparently one of her favorote shows, because her soft pink lips were moving along in time with every line. I smile, and turn back to the television as the show ends, turning to commercials.

"You know, you don't have to stare at me from the corner of your eye." She says apbruptly, turning her head to face me, her eyes looking black in the lighting. I blush and jerkily smile at her.

"Y-Yeah but if I st-stared at you f-full out, th-then that'd be creepy." I state, watchibg her eyes roll back in a sort of silent laughter, and she turns her head back to the Tv, smiling widely as another show starts up.

"Adventure Time, c'mon grab your friends, we'll go to very, distant lands. Jake the Dog and Finn the hu-man, the fun will never end, its adventure time!" She sings along quietly, and I chuckle to myself.

"Its the new one..." She says reverently, and I turn to just see a flash of, 'Princess Day' on the TV screen. She leans forward, her elbows resting on her knees, and watches the TV with wide, excited eyes. I reach over and turn on a lamp, so we don't ruin our eyes.

"Oh my glob, this is like, so totally bo-o-o-oring!" One of the characters say, a lilac coloured cloud, with a yellow star on her head. Christy smiles, and I notice a character in the background, with long black hair tied into a pony, and wearing an old-timey-chic outfit, an ascot, a grey tanktop, skinny jeans and red boots. She floats over to an overly-pink-colored character, and asks something about "Blowing this joint for some real fun." I turn to Christy.

"Are those two dating?" I ask increduliously, shocked that a channel like Cartoon Network would risk such a scandle, via having a lesbian couple on such a popular show.

"Not anymore. But the show hints heavily on those two being involved previously, and that Marceline still likes Bubbles, and Bubbles still likes Marcy, because Bubbles used to wear one of Marcy's old shirts to bed every night, before she gave it up to save one of Marcy's most prized possessions." She rambles out, then giggles, and smirks at me. "Sorry. Im a hardcore Bubbline Fan.

"That's fine. Its fun to hear you talk about it." I smile at her, and she tilts her head, her smile growing small and shy.

"Yeah. Sometimes, the show even hints that they're secretly a thing. Like, in one episode, Marcy said, well, sang, that she wanted to 'Suck all the red from your pretty pink face,' you being Bubbles, and in some episodes, Bubbles skin tone is really pink, like now," She waves at the screen, where the one named Bubble's skin is almost as pink as her hair, "And some episodes where its almost stark white. And whenever its really white, shes wearing a high neck dress or a wide ribbon choker." Christy giggles, and I laugh.

"Seems like the show wants you to, er, what's the term?" I ask.

"Ship." She nods.

"Yeah. In fact, it seems like-" I'm joined by her as we both say at the exact same moment, "That ship sails itself!" We laugh, and she puts up a palm for me to highfive. I slap her hand, and twine my fingers in hers, smiling sweetly at her. I start leaning forward, seeing crackles of gold in her blue and green eyes, just before she closes them and--

"Christy, you've gotta see this." BEN pixelates out of the TV, and we jump apart, Christy turning to him with a glow to her cheeks.

"What is it?" She sees the worried look on his face, and instantly stands up, ready to face anything. He shakes his head, and taps the TV screen, making it jump from 47 to a local news station.

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