chapter 3

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The weekend after, Christy shows up at my door. I open it up and smile with over exuberance.

"Hey! By the way, thanks for leaving me alone!" I say with a semi-sarcastic smile.  "Mom, I'm going to the park! Love you!" I push Christy away, and close the door behind me. She waits until we get to the empty park to turn to me with a flourish.

"Oh my God, are you ok? I'm so sorry, but I was screaming for you to run! Do you still have both of your kidneys?!" She yells, and drops to her knees aand grabs my shirt, pushing it up to examine my stomach.

"HEY!" Shes knocked back as EJ comes barreling out. I yelp and stumble back a few feet.

"What the-" Christy jumps to her feet, and takes a fighting position. EJ growls, and slowly takes out a scalpel, which Christy's sharp eyes don't miss. She strikes out, twists his wrist, and flisp him iver her shoulder. "Don't you even think about using that on me!" She snarla out.

"Both of you stop it!" I yell. Christy straightens up, and glances semi-innocently back at me.

"What? He started it." I roll my eyes at her.

"You keep it up, and he wont introduce you to Ticci!" She pales, and turns around, her hands shaking.

"OhmygodareyouseriousImaygettomeetTicci?!" I wince, and she quickly helps EJ up. "ImsosorryIdidntmeantohurtyouhonestlypleasedontkillme!" She yells, and EJ dodges to the side. He walks over and grabs my hand, staring at her.

"God, her hair isn't the only loud thing about her." He whispers in my ear. I giggle, and Christy turns bright red.

"Why you little-" I give her a glare, and she crosses her arms.

"Fine." She consents angrilly. I giggle again. "Wait, so are you two a thing?" She asks eagerly. I blush and shrug.

"I-I don't kn-"

"Yes." EJ says quietly, and I blush brightly. Christy clamps her ring-clad hands together, and smiles sweetly at us.

"Awwww, Saphy! Your first BoyFriend!" I blush even brighter, and glare at her. She laughs evilly and sticks her self-pierced tongue out at me.

"So, when do I get to meet Ticci?" She asks as she sits cross legged on the picnic table, her sharpie-covered Chuck Taylor's folded neatly under her as she produces a black and purple marker from her pocket, and starts doodling on her hands, seemingly uncaring. But I know her better. I can see her shining eyes, more blue than green. I know that shes hiding her emotions, just like always.

"Tomorrow if you'd like." She shifts, looking down at her hands. She smiles widely, and I giggle.

"That's be great." She says, again with an uncaring tone, and jumps off the table. "Anywho, Id better be going. Bye Saph." She waves, and I watch as she practically skips away.

"... Yeah, her and Tic are going to get along fine." I laugh as EJ hugs me.

"Id better get going too. Make sure she doesn't fangirl to death." I laugh, and wave as he retreats.

I turn to the street, Christy still standing at the corner, waiting to cross. I cup my hands around my mouth and screams, "HAVE FUN PREPPING TO MEET YOUR MAN!" She starts to cross, and turns, walking backwards as she cups her hands around her mouth.

"WHY DONT YOU SUCK MY BALLS?!" She screams. I laugh and turn, heading home.

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