Chapter 17

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I almost go back into the dining room with Saph, when I hear Ticci whisper.

"I thnk I love her..." My heart stops, and I freeze, like a deer in headlights. The word love rings in my head, over and over, and my head starts to shake back and forth, back and forth. I back up, and turn, slipping out of the house quietly, silent as the ninja my friends joke I am. I take a look around the house, nothing but woods and lake. I turn towards the woods.

And I ran.

I ran as fast as I could, my breath hard and jagged, trying to drown out the word Love. It cant be. He cant love me. Maybe he's hallucinating or something. No one loves me... I run faster, and jump over a log, running until the burning in my lungs cant be ignored any longer. I stop, breathing heavily, and looking around fro where I came from. I cant find anything but trees, trees, trees. I fall back agsint a tree, and catch my breath. I close my eyes, and slow my breathing, listening for anything else but rustling leaves.

Trickle... There. Right in front of me, about ten yards. A stream. My eyes fly open, and I get up, stumbling towards it. I toss in a twig, and watch it float down stream, then start walking agaisnt the current, trying to find the lake. If I find the lake, I find the house. If I find the house...

"Stop." I whisper angrilly at myself. I take a deep breath and jog up the stream, going about a mile before I come up right next to the house. I walk in the back door, running right into Toby.

"Ch-Christy? Why are y-you all dirty?" He asks. I blink at him, and raise an eyebrow.

"Why are you wearing an apron?" He looks down and chuckles.

"Cake." He smiles and points to the oven. I smile back at him, then look down and push past, running upstairs and jumping in the shower. I lay down, and fall sleep.


And when i wake up, it feels like theres a sledge hammer pounding in my head.

"Ugh.." I groan and sit up, rubbing my temple. What a way to start my birthday... I think sourly. I stumble out of bed, and shove on a pair of jean shorts, my knee highs, and Toby's sweatshirt. I crack my neck, and go to walk out, when a warm trickle of liquid slips out from my nose. I stop, and turn towards my mirror, my head pounding and blood dripping from my nose. I press my hand against my nose, and grab tissues, keeping them pressed against my nose until it stops bleeding. I clean up the dried blood, shake my head, and trot downstairs.

"Shes up!" Sally yells,  and runs over, garbbing my hand and tugging me to the table.

"What-- Stop yelling." I groan as I rub my head.

"Happy Birthday, Chrispy." Toby says happily  as he carries in a huge waffle cake. I stare at him in astonishment, then smile slowly.

"Thank you... The cake looks awesome, Toby." He smiles at me, and sets it down, standing beside me. Saph and Jack walk in, holding hands, and sits down at the table. Toby clears his throat and nods to Jack, who turns off the lights and draws the blinds, making it pitch black unntil Toby lights the seventeen candles.

"Happy Birthday, T-To you! Happy Birthday, To Y-You! Happy B-Birthday, Dear Chrispy! Happy Birthday, t-to You!"  Toby sings next to me. I close my eyes, my stomach churning, and blow out the candles. The room turns pitch black. My head pounds. People clap. And my thoughts scream. I jump to my feet, and turn, reaching out, and grabbing Toby's collar. Before I can chicken out, I press my lips against his. He responds instantly, kissing me back and wrapping his arms around my waist. I tangle my hands in his messy brown hair, and a trickle of blood starts from my nose. I pull back, and chuckle slightly whispering fro his ears only, "I finally got my wish."

"Happy Birthday, Christy." He whispers back, and reaches up, wiping my blood away. "Are those tears?" I smile and shake my head, pulling back even more.

"No.. I've been getting nose-bleeds all day." I whisper, and his hand freezes. My head pounds with anew fury, and Jack flicks on the light. My eyes shoot with pain, theres a final Crack, and my world goes black.

The world slowly fades back into view, but its not My world. In this world, Im  a spectator.

I look around, and see black, shadows, bricks. Im in an alley way. There's pounding footsteps, and Jeff rounds the corner. I growl, and open my mouth, when I walk in.

That sounds wierd, huh?

But this me is terrifying. I have long, untamed hair, the tips as purple as my whole head now, half of my head shaven like I've always wanted, and a mean smile on my lips. My eyes, hidden behind goggles, are so dark they look like the pits of a skeleton's skull. Clenched in my fist is a long, sharp axe, with the same ivy etchings as my goggles. I walk calmly towards Jeff, who scrambles back, tripping and falling. HIs eyes, wide and terror filled. I step over him, and raise the axe over my head.

"Who's helpless now?" Rings against the alley walls, and the axe swings down-

-And I gasp awake. My eyes fly open, the pain gone, and the light to bright for my eyes. My shoulder doesnt hurt. My wrist is mobile. And Toby is screaminng.

"Christina! Ch-Christina! Wake u-up! Please!" I groan, and cover my eyes, growling.

"Turn off that ssstupid light!" I hiss out, hiss, and roll over to my stomach. I prop myself up on my hands and knees, my stomach lurching at the sight of my own blood staining the carpet as it drips from my nose.

"Jack!" Toby yells.

"Got it!" The light flicks off, and I sit on my knees, looking around. The light is gone, its as black as it was when the candles went out, but I can see as clear as day.

"Are you ok?" Toby whispers, kneeling before me and tilting my head up gently, wiping blood away.

"Yeah... what happend, though?" He shakes his head.

"I cant see anything, Jack, would you open one blind?" The room is filled with a slight light, still brighter than I'd like, but better than that stupid artificial light. Toby gasps, and I jerk slightly.

"What? What isss it?" I hiss again, and furrow my brows, running my tongue along my teeth.

I have fangs.

I jerk back and scramble away.

"Youre e-eyes are black!" Saph yells, and I look around the room.

"Is she?" Jack starts.

"Yeah." Toby finishes. I close my eyes, and shake my head.

"God dammit, Im a pasta." I whisper.

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