chapter 20

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*pov saph* 

 I went for a walk after everyone was asleep still trying to process the sight of my dead parents . As I waked for how know how long  i stubble a long a old house and of course i climbed in the window like a weirdo but  this what i what to be what i am. I walked down the narrow hallway and found an elderly man probably in his 50's so i gripped me protection in my hand. By protection in mean huge ass knife found in Jacks kitchen. I stabbed him in the heart to represent the pain i felt. Then i took his kidneys for Jack. When i retured i found Jack what seem to be crying on the porch. 

" Jack whats wrong ?" i asked then every thing went black. I woke in a small black poorly lighten room."hello where am I? " i asked kind of confused 

" Hello my deary nice of you to join the family you proved you loyalty you have your wish." Zalgo answered showing me a merrior . Wow im pale as snow with cat eyes but there black with a blue ring s round my puple and one fire blue strick in my bangs wow I have bangs  I look bad ass ." You must know i have blessed you with the power to getin to anyones mind and cant fouces them to go crazy one of my favorites, Welcome to the family. Good bye my lovely." Zalgo explained then waved good bye .

I awoke on theground out side of the house  and jack came running towards me " Saph  I..I ........ Wow you you look good what happened and your eye wow . " Jack mumbbled out hugging me 

" Jack im ok i meet with zalgo and he told me i get my wish and now just look at me im im ." i was rudley cut off but Christy . 

" bad ass Saph the words your looking for is bad ass ." Christ cut in 

I stuck my tongue out at her, feeling the sandpapery texture of a cats tongue. "Shut up."

She raises an eyebrow, her eyes flicking an orangish hazel before going back to their original colour. Toby comes up behind her, and she smikes sslightly as he takes her hand.

"Whoa, wait, are you two a thing now?" I ask, astonished.

"Um. I-I think so.." Christy says, embarrassed. I laugh as Toby blushes, and swallows.

"Uh, well, she did kiss me. And we did n-nap together." I stare at her.

"YOU KISSED HIM AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME?" I scream. She slams her palm into her forehead, and shakes her head.


"Oh yeah." I turn to looks t Jack, noticing how quiet hes been. "Are you ok?" I cant see anything through that dammed mask, but I get the impression hes staring at me.

"You look fucking hot." He blurts out, my cheeks turning bright red. Christy bursts out with laughter, laughing so hard she bends over, looses her balance and falls on her ass.

"Wh-What?!" I yell, and Jack laughs nervously, rubbing his neck.

"I-I mean... Wha-What?" He stutters, and now both of them are rolling on the grass laughing.

"What?" I ask again.

"What?" He responds. I glare at him.

"Jack!" I yell.

"What?" I facepalm, mumbling something about his not having enough kidneys today.

Which remind me...

"Oh yeah!" I yell, looking around for the bag of kidneys, then pulls them out and hands the goody mess to him. He stares it awe at the brownish blobs, then pulls up part of his mask, taking a bite with sharepened teeth.

"Mmmm..." He mumbles around kidney. I giggle.

"Christy?" Toby asks, I turn to see Christy staring at the blood-filled bag with wide eyes and her fangs extended. I slolwy stand up, her eyes following my every move.

"Christy?" I ask. She loos up at me, the change instantanious.

"Huh?" She asks, blinking. I blink back at her, and shift.

"Nothing." i repliy looing at at the boodly bag " Atcutly Jack hand me one please." I ask extending my hand .  Jack hand me one its feel werid so i feel my teeth shapen then i take a bite. Yum no wounder jacks likes them. So i shouve the hole thing in my mouth takes just like chicken just uncooked.

" Um Saph what the hell are you doing ?" Christy asked weirded out . 

" Chirsty itsn't clear shes enjoying a fresh kidney it taste good." Jack answers 

" Yeah im just going to stick to my pancakes." Christy repliys then turns to walk back to the house to join toby.

" So Saph what ya thinkin?" Jack asked wotha smile beeming across his face.

" Im think how great they taste." i anwerwed helping him off the ground .

" shall we going inside and i dont know watch some tv." Jack suggest. I knod and we walk up to his room and I cuddel up to his chest and drifted off to sleep.I awake when therea a knock on the door for dinner.

" Okay im up i'll be down in a minute." I yawned. Then quickly went back to my room and changed out of my bloody clothes. When i arrived down stair i m greeted by jackant the hole gang. 

" Wow Jack was right shes hotter than she already was." I believe it was benn because of his hole outfit . I blushed alittle and jack shot him an evil glare telling him mine.

" thanks shall we dig in and enjoy our food?" I asked sitting nexted to jack. On my plate as pizza and kidney to my new found taste in them.I scarfed it down.

" By what im can tell Saoh enjoyed her dinner." Sally pointed out.

" Would have to agree." Jack smiled. After dinner i did the dishes. Then went up stairs and took a bath. 

" Hey Saph  I love you." Jack wispered tho the door.

"  I love you to bae. I'll be out in  min." i answered climming out of the bath tub wraping a towel around me  to dry off. I sliped in to my pjs which contain blue atheletic shorts and my black cammy.

" hey baby  you tired?" Jack asked Wrapping his arms around me.

" A little." i smirked as i kissed him ever so gentaly. We cuddled on his bed in till we fell asleep. Today was very eventful.

hope yall enjoyed alot happed in this chapter. Stay creepy / Mischef <3

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