long walks off a high cliff

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You lived out in a big city, a very famous one, because it hosted the popular Apex Games. It was strange to think that people enjoyed watching others fight and kill for the crown, but hey, people will be people. And sometimes, people are weird.

It was late at night, and you were making your way to an abandoned parking lot that you knew well. Your cold fingers fumbled at your pockets, pulling some money out. Of course, you saw the familiar figure of someone that you always see here. But, there was a second person, speaking quietly to the other.

Approaching the woman, she glanced at you and nodded. She knew who you were. She knew what you wanted. When she put her hand out, you knew the exact same. Handing her the money, you glanced at the other figure. Strangely recognizable, but from where? It was dark, and hard to see, so maybe it was someone else. Was it?

After handing the money in, she gave a bag in return, glancing inside, there was what you wanted. The syringes. You whispered a thank you before glancing at the mystery man once more. When he made eye contact with you, you just looked to the ground and got out of there. 

You checked your phone. 11:46 PM. The night was still young. Usually, at 12:30 AM you meet with your friends and hang out, so you had time to kill.

You began walking to your favorite part in the city. A huge cliffside, where you could see the moon clear in the sky, and the wind would run through your hair. It felt amazing.

Sitting down, you dangled your legs over the edge of the cliff. A long drop. Dangerously long. The result of jumping was definitely death. But, there was always something scooting you closer to the edge. Every time. It wasn't death you wanted, but the feeling before.

The rush of... adrenaline.

Speaking of adrenaline, you pulled a syringe out of your bag, holding the needle above your skin. Before you could move any further, a voice spoke from behind you.


You yelped in fear, dropping the syringe and whipping your head around. Hoping it wasn't the police, you were relieved to see the mystery man from before.

"Oh, yeah. Of course." You responded, sitting up.

"Mind if I..?" he asked, his hand moving to a syringe.

"Take one," you nodded.

"Gracias, amiga." He grinned, grabbing one and injecting it into himself. "Ah, that's the stuff!" he exclaimed, making the sign of horns with his hands.

You did the same, injecting yourself with a syringe. A rush of adrenaline ran over you, just as you expected, you shuddered with a little laugh. 

"Have you ever wanted to jump off, amiga? To fly?" he asked, leaning in slightly.

"Yes. All the time." You responded, smiling.

"Let's fly, amiga." He stood up, reaching out to grab your hand. You had no idea what was going to happen, but you loved the idea of it, so you grabbed his hand and stood up. 

Injecting yourself with another syringe, you threw your head back momentarily. The mystery man stepped forwards.

"Don't worry." He grinned as he leapt off, and pulled you with him behind.

It felt amazing. Your whole body went crazy with adrenaline.

It felt as if you entered another world, a world of an unsettling nothingness. But it was great. The wind pulled your hair back, and you could hear the mystery man shouting in excitement.

But, there had to be a stop. Soon, they would hit the ground. And everything would go cold and stop. What were you thinking? You were going to die!

The mystery man hoisted you onto his back, and when you were ready to drown in the cold sea of death, the two of you hovered and came to a stop, before gently landing.

"Woah, what a rush!" he exclaimed in his Spanish accent.

It seemed as if he had some sort of jetpack that slowed them down at the end of the drop.

"Hey, can I see you again?" you asked, feeling jittery from the adrenaline.

"Let's see, amiga."

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