better when it feels wrong

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You slowly opened your eyes with a muffled yawn, blinking to regain your vision. Octane was laying across half your body, his arm sprawled across your chest. He was basically trapping you, but eventually you managed to wiggle out. Tiredly, you grabbed your phone to check the time. It was 10:23 A.M. With a small sigh, you put your phone back down and looked over to Octane. Then, you spotted about four empty syringes on the floor. Trying to remember what was in them, you gently rubbed your arm. A little jolt of pain surged through you as you touched a bruise. Suddenly, you realized that your arms, wrists, and neck ached. 

Right. The mystery substance, abused none other by the mystery man, Octavio Silva. That 2:30 A.M. devil, taken over by his temptations and addictions. You sat there, staring at the sleeping adrenaline junkie. You wondered if he remembered what happened last night, or if he could explain what the substance was. Brushing that aside for the moment, you slid off of the bed and changed into some clothes, brushing your hair.  Biting your lip, you glanced back over at Octane. He shifted slightly, and it seemed like he was waking up. With a small smile, you walked over as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Ghh... my head, why does it hurt so much?" Octane groaned, bringing his hands to his temples. "Hermosa... what happened?" He asked.

So, he seemed clueless to what happened last night. "You don't remember?" You responded, running your fingers through your hair. "Well, I remember getting those drugs, then trying them. And holy shit, they felt good, hermosa! Like I was out of that world, a new high!" He exclaimed, grinning at the memory. "I remember you being awake, but after that it's all kind of blurry." Octane continued, shrugging. You looked over to him briefly before sighing, and slightly rolling your eyes. 

"Ah, did I do anything crazy?" Octane asked. 

"Nothing that I didn't want." You responded with a little devilish grin.

He laughed, walking over to you and pulling you close. The shirtless junkie smiled, and you could spot faint traces of that hazardous drug in his eyes. 

"Hm, you really are a druggie, huh?" You chuckled, looking up at him and meeting his gaze.

"What can I say? It's better when it feels wrong."

strange addiction (octane x reader)Where stories live. Discover now