waking up

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"Octavio, are you up? I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere for breakfa-"

You woke up to the sound of and unfamiliar voice, but you were next to a familiar body. Octavio Silva, the mystery man, adrenaline junkie, just like you. Too drowsy to see who the other person was, you let Octavio wake up and figure it out himself.

"Woahhh, brought home a girl, Octavio?" the unfamiliar voice laughed.

"Gah! Elliott?" Octane spoke, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. You opened your eyes as well, scooting closer to Octane, trying to get a glimpse of the second person.

A dark brown-haired man stood leaning against the doorway. Maybe that was Octane's roommate.

"Guess I'll just... leave you two be..." The roommate, Elliott, spoke, sending a flirty wink towards you before closing the door. 

Octane looked down at you, clinging to his shirtless torso. He moved an arm over your shoulder. "That was my roommate, Elliott," he spoke again in his captivating Spanish accent. Slowly, you sat up.

"I guess we should... get up." He spoke, standing up. You stared at him for a good five seconds before looking away and grabbing your clothes. You changed into your outfit from yesterday, yawning silently. "Come on, hermosa," Octane smiled, grabbing onto your arm and bringing you outside.

Octane's roommate, Elliott, was in the kitchen, eating food. "Octavio!" He smiled, waving, before following his greetings up with a question, "Who's the chick?"

Octane just rubbed his neck, laughing slightly. You smiled, looking away. Elliott frowned slightly at Octane's silence, but let it go. "Say, Octane, wanna head out to the bar tonight, we can bring your lady..." he trailed off with a little smirk. "Agh, why not, amigo!" Octane grinned, doing a fist bump with his roommate.

"Hermosa, what about you?" Octane asked, turning to you.

"Sure." You responded. What bad could it do?

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