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The three of you had stayed in the big city for three days, and it was time to head back to the Apex Games. It was the night before you were supposed to leave, and Octane was out "getting some food." Of course, you suspected that the adrenaline junkie was getting some sort of drug. It didn't bother you, however, you were a lot like him. You finished packing up the majority of your stuff, keeping a change of clothes for tomorrow out. You yawned, slipped your hoodie and shorts off, so you were just in your underwear. You sat down in bed, rubbing your eyes. The warm hands of sleep were pulling you down, but you wanted to wait until Octane got back.

Soon enough, the door unlocked and Octane burst through the door, running up to you. "Amiga, hermosa, mi amor.. we... we have to leave, ahora! Now!" He spoke, breathing heavily and grabbing your arms. "What? Octane, what's going on?" You questioned, still getting up and changing back into clothes frantically. He grabbed his suitcase and you grabbed your. "The... the police maaaay be after me?" He laughed nervously. You looked over to him with an amused expression. "Why?" You asked, raising your eyebrows.

"Drugs.." He smiled sheepishly, "But, there's no time, let's go!" Octane exclaimed and the two of you made your way into the city.

"I found a person who can help us get back secretly. They have a private jet, amiga. They're hella rich." Octane grinned, sitting down on a bench.

You looked over to him, smiling slightly. "Anyways, what were the drugs you were taking?"

"Ah, those? The same thing I took when I came back to our room three nights ago..." Octane responded, shrugging.

"Oh. They must be really good. You did some crazy shit," You joked, smiling at him. The druggie smiled back, before glancing around. "Ah, there's our guy."

"I guess we're criminals now," You mumbled, following Octane.

strange addiction (octane x reader)Where stories live. Discover now