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For the majority of the night you thought about that mystery man. Who was he? He seemed so familiar, but you had no idea who he was. And that accent!

Another adrenaline junkie, with seemingly no fear of anything. You rubbed your temples, but gave up with the thinking. You might of just been hallucinating. You were sure hallucinations weren't a side effect of too much adrenaline, but hey, you never know.

Soon enough, you gave into your tiredness and slept.

You awoke, and yet another day passed, the sun hid and the moon came out. You grabbed a bag of adrenaline, and headed to your favorite place, longing to see that mystery man.

The breeze gently ran through your hair, and you sat down, dangling your legs over the edge of the cliff like you always do. You sat there and waited. And waited. Glancing to your sides once more, you sighed. Maybe he wasn't going to be here tonight after all.

"Hola, amiga!" 

Turning around, there he was, the mystery man. You smiled, and he came and sat down next to you. "May I..?" he asked, reaching for a syringe.

"Of course," you responded, grabbing one as well. You injected it into yourself, feeling that sweet, sweet rush of adrenaline. You could clearly see that the mystery man was happy as well. He grabbed your hand, and you glanced over at him.

"Amiga, want to fly tonight?" he asked in his captivating accent. You gripped onto his hand gently, grinning, "Yes."

He stood up and brought you to a high part of the cliff. The two of you just stared for a little, before the mystery man started backing up. You backed up as well, and injected another syringe of adrenaline into yourself. He injected another into himself as well.

"Here we go! Haha!" He cheered, running of the edge, with you right beside him. The two of you leapt of the edge, and instantly another rush of adrenaline surged through you. You grinned, looking over to the mystery man, who was cheering wildly. 

The wind ran through your hair violently, but you just smiled. You held the mystery man's hand tightly, closing your eyes. You could hear your heart beat in your ears, but you loved every second of the free falling. It was hard to breath, but that just made the moment more exciting.

But soon enough, the moment was gone, and the man hoisted you onto his back again so both of you could land safely. The two of you hovered to a stop behind gently touching the ground. "Woohoo! What an awesome rush!" The man exclaimed, "Amiga, let's do that again tomorrow!"

Injecting another syringe of adrenaline into yourself, you began to feel very shaky and light. The man injected another into himself, and did a little shudder. "Amiga, come here," the young man spoke, leading you to the cliffside. He sat down and leaned against the wall, while you made the risky move to sit between his legs, which you noticed were mechanical.

You leaned back, moving your head beside his. His body felt jittery as well, but it didn't matter. "Goodnight, amiga," he whispered into your ear, and you fell asleep in his arms.

When you woke up, it was the morning, and the mystery man was waking up as well. Instantly, you turned to look and him in the daylight. You could now see him clearly, and suddenly, you realized.

"Are you... Octane?" you asked. You hadn't seen Octane, an internet star known for doing dangerous stunts, without his mask ever, but this guy looked so much like him. Especially the legs.

"Si, that's me! Octavio Silva."

"Wow.. I'm ----."

"Nice to meet you! I'll see you tonight, and I'll bring something special!"

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