i really thought i could handle this

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It's been a couple of months, and the season was over. Guess who won the first game? Octane and Mirage, without a third teammate. You had been hanging out with Octane every night. At that cliff where you first met him. Every night you'd do that jump with him.

That leap of faith. It was wonderful, every single time. You hoped Octane enjoyed it as much as you did. 

Anyways, they got those three tickets, and invited you. You were leaving today. Octane sat down next to you in the airport, tapping his metal feet on the ground. Mirage was next to Octane, staring off into the distance. Soon enough, your plane was here and the three of you got on. You got a window seat, with Octane in the middle and Mirage closest to the isle. You liked the window seats.

You and Octane chatted for a bit, and time passed, the sun hid and the moon came up. You still had another four hours on the plane. Mirage was sleeping, and the plane was quiet except for some silent chatter. Hesitantly, you leaned your head on Octane's shoulder. He looked over to you, smiling, "What do you want, hermosa?"

"Nothing much, mon amour." 

This exchange of nicknames in languages the other didn't know continued until Mirage grumpily spoke up, "Could the two of you quit your flirting? I'm trying to sleep."

The two of you laughed silently, and you leaned your head on his shoulder again. You closed your eyes. 



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