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You felt a tapping on your shoulder. "Hermosa, wake up," a familiar voice spoke to you. You open you eyes and sat up drowsily. After a moment of brushing your hair out of your face and blinking your eyes, you noticed that your flight was over. People were standing up and grabbing their bags and luggage,then heading down the isle and out of the plane. Mirage was currently reaching to grab his luggage from the overhead bin.

To your left was Octane, staring at you with his almost hypnotizing green eyes and small smile. "La Bella Durmiente is up, rise and shine." He grinned, nudging at your arm. "C'mon, let's get our stuff. After a minute, you felt more awake, and stood up, stretching. Once both Octane and Mirage were in the crowded isle, you shuffled over to the edge of the isle and grabbed your stuff. With people waiting to get out behind you, the three of you hurried out.

"We have reservations at a hotel, three rooms." Mirage stated once you all were out in the airport. "And I called for a taxi just now, wow, look at me, being the responsible guy." He smirked, winking. Octane chuckled and chatted with him on the way out. You smiled but remained silent, not really listening to their conversation. How long have you known Octane? A couple months maybe? You felt like you didn't know him that well yet, but you felt connected. Both forcefully and willingly. 

Adrenaline wasn't the only thing you needed anymore, you also needed Octane.

Octane was kind of like adrenaline to you. Just being around him made you lightheaded and hot. It made you feel like you weren't yourself, like you were out of your body. But in a good way.

You shifted from your thoughts back to reality after the taxi ride to the hotel. The three of you walked up to the desk, and Mirage spoke to the person sitting there. "Oh, I'm sorry, one of your rooms is still occupied due to a misunderstanding. Would you been find waiting a few days? Or two of you could share a room." The receptionist spoke, fidgeting slightly.

"Oh, yeah. No problem, we'll figure it out." Mirage smiled, brushing the problem off. "Thank you."

"Of course. Here are your key cards." The receptionist smiled, closing her eyes briefly and handing Mirage two key cards.

The three of you walked over to the elevator, and Mirage leaned on the wall, grinning at you and Octane. "I say you two adrenaline junkies can share the same room. You're probably fine with that, right?" He spoke with a smirk, glancing from Octane to you. "Yeah, I'm good with that. What about you, amiga?" Octane responded, looking over to you.

"Yeah, that's good." You spoke.

It's not like sharing a room with Octane is the closest you've ever gotten to him.

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