you know i talk about you highly

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You awoke. Slowly, your eyes opened, and you were in a bedroom. Who's bedroom? Where? Oh right, the bar. The bar. 


You looked to your side, and there was Octane, on the same bed, stripped to his underwear. You took a glance at what you were wearing. Only your underwear and bra. Your eyes trailed up your body, ending with your shoulder. Oh, god. Hickeys. Straining your neck to see how many there were, you spotted quite a lot.

With a sigh, you ran a hand through your hair, and sat up, swinging your legs over the side of the bed.

"Mmm. Lay back down, mi alma."

You took a quick glance over your shoulder at Octane and smiled, "No, it's time to get up, chéri." You responded with a romantic French nickname, because you happened to speak French fluently.

Octane chuckled, "What does that mean?"

You remained silent and Octane sat up, pouting, "Aww, hermosa, por favor." You didn't understand most of it, but you could tell by the way he said it that he was begging for you to reveal the meaning of the word. But, you didn't. You stood up, and Octane looked at you, stripped to your underwear and bra, up and down. 

"Wow..." He muttered, before looking away. "Ahah, I'm sorry.."

You just giggled, changing into your clothes, and so did Octane. You ran your fingers through your hair in an attempt to brush it, and Octane was stretching. "Hey, let's go downstairs."

You nodded and followed the adrenaline junkie downstairs, to the bar. It was practically empty, except for a couple people passed out on the floor. And Mirage was draped over a couch, fast asleep. Glancing at Octane, you sighed silently. Were none of you going to talk about what happened last night?




You guessed not.

Octane walked over to his sleeping friend, jabbing him in the stomach. Mirage awoke with a scream of pain and fear. "God damnit, Octane!" He yelped afterwards, elbowing him. Octane chuckled and the two chatted for a little bit.  Mirage briefly glanced at you, before whispering something to Octane. Octane's face got a bit red, and he didn't respond, walking back over to me.

"Hey, we should head out, amiga." He spoke, and Mirage nodded, walking towards the exit. Octane hopped on his motorcycle and beckoned for you to get on. You sat behind Octane, right up against his back, wrapping your arms around his waist. Then, you were off, speeding down the roads and highways. Octane, unsurprisingly, didn't have a helmet on, and you didn't either. The wind wildly whipped your hair around, and you managed to tuck some behind your ear.

You brought your head right onto Octane's shoulder, angling your mouth to his ear. Hesitantly, you spoke, "Last night was fun."

Octane didn't respond, but he glanced towards you. He might've not even heard you. Oh well. At least you got it out there. Soon enough, the three of you arrived back at the apartments for the Apex Games. "Ah, right, we need to take you home," Mirage spoke, rubbing his head.

Octane looked up, "She can stay here today, with us."

"We have a game today. The first of the second season. You know what that means? They're giving out three tickets to (some big city idk man)." Mirage exclaimed, grinning.

"Righhht! Well, she can stay in the apartment." Octane smiled, "C'mon, hermosa."

The three of you walked into the apartment, and in a couple of hours, Mirage and Octane left for the games, which meant you were alone at the apartment. You yawned, laying down on the couch.

You could feel your eyelids drooping, so, you decided to rest.

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