high risk

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Once you and a small group of people boarded the plane, you say up front in the pilot seat next to the owner. You wanted to talk to him. You remained silent until take off, and then glanced over to him.

"Hey, uh. Can you tell what those drugs Octane was taking were?" You started, glancing over to the guy. The pilot nodded, "Yeah, yeah. My friend created them. They're like, amplified adrenaline shots. These make you feel so restless and alive, that you need and outlet for it. That can be doing something crazy, having rough sex, or hurting someone, and so on. Apparently, the police found out about them recently. So, we're leaving and moving the drugs with us. Back to the Apex Games home town."

You nodded along. "Oh.. yeah. Okay." That made perfect sense. Plus, this was a free ride home for them, and a getaway from the police. Also, Octane gets his drugs. Not really a good thing, but oh well. Soon, a thought crossed her mind. How would Mirage get home? Well, they could figure that out soon. It would all be okay, hopefully. You closed your eyes, falling asleep to the soft chatter of people in the plane.

You woke up once the trip was over and the plane had landed. Grabbing your luggage, you stepped out of the plane. It was dark, probably like 3:00 A.M. Octane walked up besides you, grinning. With a tired smile back to him, the two of you made your way back to the Apex Games apartments after saying goodbye to Octane's friends. Once you got into the apartment, you glanced over to Octane suspiciously. He looked oddly happy.

You leaned back against the kitchen counter with a little smile, "Why so happy, huh?" you questioned the adrenaline junkie. The boy looked over with a sheepish smile, revealing a bag of the amplified adrenaline shots. You gave him a frown, "Octavio..."

The guilty daredevil just grinned, walking over and wrapping his arms around your waist. "I don't think you get it, hermosa. I don't think you do." He leaned in, whispering before giving you a sweet, passionate kiss.

strange addiction (octane x reader)Where stories live. Discover now