six miles high up in the airspace

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"Elliott, where did he go?" You asked, glancing around nervously as you made it into the living room.

"Uh, he just rushed out the door. Should I help look for him?" Mirage glanced over towards you, motioning towards the open door. "No, It's fine." You insisted, smiling anxiously.

"Hey, you can use my motorcycle, though. Alright?" He spoke, grinning.

"Thank you so much. I'll be back." You sighed, dashing out the door. Soon enough, you where in the garage, and rushing over to Mirage's motorcycle. Glancing to the side, you noticed that Octane's motorcycle was gone. Once you hopped on, you were off and into the roads. You could guess where he was going. So, you proceeded to ride to the place you two first met, those cliffs.

Those cliffs are wonderful. Jumping off is a thrill, falling was breathtaking. But Octane was the best part of it all. Hopefully he was there. The junkie was definitely high off of those amplified adrenaline syringes, and he took his motorcycle. He was probably going to do a crazy stunt or something. You just needed to make sure he didn't die. 

You kept your eyes in front of you, and your mind on Octane. Gripping onto the handles, you slowed down as you neared the top of the cliff. And there he was, the high-speed daredevil. And he was on his motorcycle. Octane glanced over to you, smiling briefly before going straight towards the cliff. Your eyes widened, but you couldn't stop him now.

Then, he was in the air. And he did these amazing but terrifying flips and tricks. All you could do was watch. Soon after, he fell down and out of your view. And your heart dropped as well. You hurried back down the cliff, trying your best to reach the bottom before Octane could get hurt. You sprinted around the corner and across the bottom of the cliff, spotting Octane. He was sprawled across the floor, his metal legs completely destroyed, cuts and scrapes across his arms. Probably plenty of broken bones. You scrambled over and kneeled next to him.

"Octavio, Octavio? Are you okay?" You panted, looking him up and down frantically. The adrenaline junkie jus groaned, "Ghh.. I... I'm okay."

Without another thought, you called 911. After telling them the details and hanging up, you looked back over to Octane, shaking your head. 

"[Y/N], It hurts. I.. I can't feel my arms..." He grunted, looking over to you. Placing your hand on his cheek, you just murmured, "Shh, shh."

After a moment of silence, Octane spoke up again. "The... the reason for the drugs... for me abusing them and such, um... Well, I wanted to find something more addicting than you. Because when I first met you, that was the highest I have ever felt in my life."

"And, I couldn't believe it. I.. I couldn't believe that you were the one. So, I searched for something to clear my mind. To tell me that is wasn't true. But it turns out, there was nothing to hide from." He continued.

He looked to you with a tired smile on his face, and said this with the sounds of sirens in the background,

"Because you are the most addicting thing in the world. You, you are my strange addiction."

thank you for reading! tell me if you would like me to continue the story!

strange addiction (octane x reader)Where stories live. Discover now