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"He'll be okay."

Those were the words that cleared your mind, and made you feel amazing. Like there was nothing to fear in the world. All your worries and doubts were gone. You let out a long sigh of relief, dragging your hands down your face. "Thank you so much. But, how was he injured?"

"He broke two ribs, his metal legs were destroyed, he also broke his left arm and shoulder. Other minor injuries like cuts and gashes were over him. The fall caused a lot of damage, but the motorcycle falling on him afterwards also contributed." The doctor spoke, smiling slightly. You winced, biting your lip. You hoped that Octane was feeling okay.

"Can I see him?" You asked, and the doctor said yes. Quickly, you rushed into the room, going over to the side of the bed. There was Octane, laying there. "Hey, It's me, [Y/N]." You tapped his shoulder very lightly, and he opened his eyes. Instantly, a smile crossed his face. "[Y/N]."

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" You asked, placing a hand on his cheek. "I'm okay. Ajay said she'd get me new legs, and the doctors have the other stuff covered." He spoke, seeming tired. "Really? That's great. I thought she'd say no." You spoke, giggling silently.

"Yeah haha..." Octane laughed, looking up. "[Y/N], remember what I said last night? Well, it was all true, hermosa. Believe me."

"I... I believe you, Octavio. I do." You smiled, slowly moving your hand off of his cheek.

The adrenaline junkie grinned, looking you right in the eyes. There was a moment of silence, but that was okay. The two of you were pretty content right now. Octane was okay, that's all that mattered to you at the moment. You let out a little sigh, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. A little smile crossed Octane's face.



"Can I tell you something?" He asked, his green eyes looking deep into yours. "Go ahead." You replied, tilting your head slightly and waiting for what he was going to say.

"I love you." He spoke clearly. No stutters, no hesitation. Octane meant it. He meant what he said. You felt your face get a little hotter as you blushed. You glanced to the side, and you felt as if you didn't know what to say or do, even though you knew perfectly well how you felt.

"Oh, was that too far? Sorry, hermosa." Octane spoke, sounding disappointed and a bit heartbroken.

"No, no, no." You spoke up quickly, really hoping he didn't think that you were rejecting him. You were just a bit surprised. "Because, Octavio, the truth is-

"-I love you too."

Octane was grinning ear to ear, and he said, "I want to kiss you so bad right now."

"Not right now, you need to rest." You smiled, shaking your head.

Octane whined, "Ugh, fine. Goodnight, hermosa. I love you."

"Goodnight, Octavio. I love you too." You replied, watching him close his eyes. With a new, bright feeling in your heart, you sat down in a chair, ready to continue this life with Octane.

I love you too.

thank you for reading! this is the end of the story, so thank you for making it this far. i'm really thankful for all of the supportive people keeping the story going along the way.

i am continuing my other Octane X Reader, "I Know All About You" and possibly my Apex Oneshots.

again, thank you so much.


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