take me home

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You waited at the cliff. Legs dangling off the side, wind in your hair, Octavio Silva on your mind.

That boy, that boy was something else.

You waited for Octane to arrive and take you with him to a new high.

"Waiting for me, amiga?" You heard that familiar, captivating Spanish accent say.

"Here you go," You muttered, then smiling, handing him a syringe of adrenaline.

He grabbed one and jabbed it into his skin, "Oh yeah, baby!" You did that as well, tapping your fingers on the grass. Octane held his hand out, and you grabbed it, standing up.

"C'mon, amiga, I brought something." Octane grinned, and the two of you went over to a higher part of the cliff. He set down some sort of pad. "Huh? What is it?" You asked, crouching down and staring at it curiously.

"A jump pad, it'll send us flying!" He exclaimed, doing the sign of horns with his hands. "Okay, let's do it." You said, grinning eagerly.

Octane injected another syringe into himself, running in place. You injected another syringe into yourself as well, holding Octane's hand.

"Ready, amiga..?" He whispered into your ear, and you nodded. He ran forward, pulling you behind him, and with the first leap onto the jump pad, both of you were flung high up into the air. 

"Wooohooo!" Octane exclaimed, and you smiled. As soon as you were done going up, the two of you went down. Octane tightened his grip on your hand, and you did as well. Free falling was one of the best feelings out there. Wind rushing through your hair and by your fingers, your body feeling light, that feeling of drifting out of reality.

It's even better with someone else there. Someone special. You knew exactly who that special person was for you. Looking over to Octane, he looked back, and smiled. His smile, was something else. Something out of this world. It was captivating, like a spell.

You snapped out of your little trance when Octane hoisted you onto his back and the two of you landed safely. Once you got to the floor, you injected another syringe of adrenaline into yourself, and you faced Octane.

"Octavio... can you... take me home?" you asked, moving closer to him.

"Si, hermosa." He responded, smiling and injecting another syringe into himself.

He took you too his motorcycle, and got on. You got on the back, wrapping your arms around his stomach.

The ride to his place was incredible. Both of you shaky from adrenaline, you rode down streets at an incredible speed. You gently rested your face on his back, smiling. You felt so happy. Your heart was racing at a unimaginable pace, but so was Octane's.

Soon enough he stopped and parked the motorcycle by a big building. "What is this...?" You asked, staring at the building towering over them. There were words above the entrance, but it was dark and you couldn't read them. Glancing around, other cars and vehicles were parked in the parking lot, so you weren't alone.

"My room's up there, c'mon, hermosa." He spoke, gripping your hand and bringing you inside the building. You stumbled behind him, and the two of you went up and elevator, then down a hallway, to his room. He unlocked the door with his keys, and brought you inside. 

The adrenaline was wearing off for both of you, and you could feel the comforting hands of sleep start to pull you down. You followed him through the living room of his apartment. It was a nice place, a kitchen, living room, and a hallway with four rooms. One of them was Octane's. Maybe he had roommates.

Closing the door to his room behind you, he slipped his shirt off. You didn't really care, since you were too tired, and it was a very hot night, you took of your shirt as well. Then, he laid down on his bed, "Here, hermosa." He pointed to a spot on his bed next to him. You laid down as well, and Octane pulled the blanket over your bodies, and pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you.

And in an instant, you fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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