Askova, Michaela, and Derek were ducked behind a bush, making a plan to distract the cannibals.
" I have a flare. We could light it, and then we could go in there, and quickly get back out," suggested Michaela.
" While we are in there, we could grab some other stuff, like food and water. Maybe medicine," said Askova. Derek said nothing. He would just go with any of their plans.
" I only have 2 flares," said Michaela.
" Ok, one to get in, and one to get out," suggested Askova. Michaela nodded.
" These only activate when it's dark though. It's state of the art," said Michaela, shaking her head. Askova groans.
" We have to wait, like, 7 hours till it's night though!" complained Derek, " I'm hungry!"
" Then let's wait. I have..." Michaela was rummaging through her pocket, " Two candy bars." She looked disappointed. Derek grabbed a candy bar, quickly, unwrapped it, and started to eat it, " Are you that hungry?" asked Michaela.
" We haven't eaten in days. We don't even have good food," replied Askova. Michaela handed her a candy bar.
" Here, you need it," said Michaela. Askova took the candy bar, " I think I should know your names if we need to talk to each other." Askova and Derek nodded.
" I'm Derek."
" I'm Askova." Michaela stared at Askova.
" Your name sounds Russian," smirked Michaela. Askova nodded.
" My mom has traces of Russian. She was the principal of our school," sighed Askova, " She yells at me, but I miss her sometimes." Michaela put her hand on Askovas shoulder.
" What was her name?" asked Michaela.
" Aleksandra. The Russian spelling," replied Askova looking sad. She gasped, " Ajax! I forgot about him!"
" Whos that?" asked Derek.
" He's my brother. We were never connected, so that's why I probably forgot about him," replied Askova.
It was getting dark after about 4 hours. They were starving and cold. Michaela took out her lighter and lit her flare. She threw is as far as she could. It landed right next to the white car, parked in the parking lot. The cannibals noticed the flare and started to walk slowly towards it. After most of them walked towards the flare, Askova, Michaela, and Derek ran quickly, but quietly, inside the gas station. Askova closed the doors and placed a chair under the handles.
" I'll go get medicine, Askova you can get food," said Michaela.
" I'll get drinks and other useful stuff," commented Derek. Michaela walked towards the medicine rack and grabbed ibuprofen, Benadryl, aspirin, Tylenol, bandages, and cold medicine. Askova walked to all of the food isles and grabbed all of the food that she could fit in her backpack. Derek grabbed about 10 water bottles and shoved them in his backpack. He also grabbed a few shirts.
Askova grabbed the chair and removed it from under the handles. Michaela lit another flare and threw it farther than the last flare. After the last flare died out, they went after the second flare. Everyone went to the nearest gas pumping station.
" Don't we need money to use these?" asked Derek.
" Not for these. You use it, then you pay," replied Askova. She grabbed her gas can and started to fill it up with gas. Michaela grabbed hers and filled it up with gas. Derek started to fill his up with gas, but the flare died, so the cannibals started to fan out.
" Derek, hurry up!" whispered Askova.
" The pumps stuck! The gas won't come out!" Derek tried to use the lever, but it was jammed. He kept trying, but it was still jammed.
" Yours is half full. We have enough, come on!" blurted Askova. Michaela grabbed Derek and pulled him back. They ran back behind the bushes with the cannibals following.
" Ow!" yelled Askova. She twisted her ankle running back behind the bushes. The cannibals were still walking towards them. Michaela and Derek grabbed her arms, put them behind their backs, and started to jog. Askova was limping. The cannibals were on their tails.
" We have to pick up the pace!" said Michaela. Derek picked up his speed. They got ahead from the cannibals, so they ducked behind a bush. Michaela got her bandage out and wrapped it around Askovas ankle. After she was finished, she put it in her pocket and picked up Askova. They started walking again. Derek and Michaela were killing cannibals that were right behind them. They managed to get back to the bus.
" What happened?" asked Emma, concerned.
" No time, put the gas in!" yelled Michaela. Emma saw a horde of cannibals behind them. Derek and Michaela ran onto the bus, with Askova in their arms. They got off and filled the bus with gas. Ms. Rivera started the bus and quickly drove away.
" What happened?" asked Lindsay.
" We... we encountered a horde of them!" replied Michaela, out of breath. Lindsay looked at her foot, took the bandage off, and observed the cut.
" Looks bad," sighed Lindsay. She put the bandage back on. Askova took off her backpack and handed it to Lindsay. She opened it.
" Man, that's a lot of food!" exclaimed Derek. He grabbed a small bag of potato chips and started to eat it. Destiny ripped Derek's backpack off of his back. She opened it.
" That's 1..3..7...," Destiny counted, " 10 water bottles and...5 shirts. Why did you grab shirts?" asked Destiny.
" We need to stay clean. So, I grabbed some new clothes," replied Derek. Willow picked up the white shirt with a unicorn on it.
" I LOVE UNICORNS!!!" screamed Willow. Destiny and Michaela laughed. Askova chuckled.

Dying Breath: It All Starts Here
Science FictionAskova awakes to the normal: stupid people, snowy day, aggravating mom. Her day at school was even more normal. The same old teachers who don't listen to her and the same students who mock her. Askova pleaded that abnormal dead rising from the grave...