Askova woke up to the sound of flashing lights, assuming that they were the ceiling lights. The room was dark. She managed to fully wake up after a few minutes. The atmosphere made her think that she was in an abandoned building. She stepped off the bed and stood up, weakly. She started walking towards the nurse's desk, but she stepped in something.
"Eww, what is this?" She removed her foot. She screamed. "What the heck?! Is that.. blood?" She noticed the glass around the blood, and the broken window with a guy's very pale head impaled by the glass. Askova screamed again and fell backward. Her butt was covered in blood. She stood up, walking towards the curtain, opened it, then noticed the nurses desk. It was a mess! The papers were scattered, the phone was hanging, and the computer was still on. The screen was on an email titled "ATTENTION". It talked about the outbreak that the government and the CDC warned people about. The nurse must have really been in a hurry to get out of here.
Askova finally walks to the door, about 7 feet away from the nurse's desk. She tried to open it. It wouldn't budge.
" Why the... is the door locked?" She was now truly confused. She looked under the door and saw a key. That was probably the key to open the door, but also saw something else. She saw more blood, " What the hell?! More blood?" She had no idea what happened here. She almost fainted, walking towards the desk, panicking! She grabbed the ruler in the corner of the desk, and walked back towards the door, carefully and quietly slipping the ruler to get the key.
" Why is the key outside the door?" Questioned Askova. She used the key to open the door. Once she did, she was shocked, and she had a horrific look on her face. The hallway was full of dead bodies and blood. The smell was like rotting corpses and throw mixed in together. It smelled so bad, that she threw up. Well, her sick stomach finally gave up.
After she was done regurgitating, Askova saw a letter opener right next to someone's dead body. She picked up the letter opener in confusion.
"Why would someone have a letter opener in their hand? Wait, who even has letter openers these days?" thought Askova. She heard a noise. Sounded like someone was there. She looked to the right of her, where the noise came from. She saw a woman down there, limping. " Hey you, um... dude? What's your name? What happened?" She yelled at the woman. She turned to her. Askovas sight was blurry, so she did not see what she looked like. All she knew was, is that it was a woman. She turned back around.
She walked towards the woman. As she got closer, she saw blood on its body, bones showing, and he growled. What?
"What the..." she whispered. The woman snarled again, "Mrs. Ceaser?" she whispered. She got closer to the woman, to see. When she turned around, her face was torn away, blood on her mouth, drool. The woman grabbed her arm and tried to bite her, but Askova kicked her in the nuts. Not very logical for a woman. The woman fell on the ground, groaning. Askova screamed, and ran down the hallway, gripping her letter opener. She ended up in the 6th-grade wing and saw more dead ones. They were walking corpses, with rotting flesh and decaying limbs. Walking corpses...
She dropped the letter opener that was in her hands. She had no weapon! She saw the huge ruler near the smartboard. She pushed the nearest desk towards the nearest dead one, and she held the desk there, in fear.
This has to be a nightmare. Askova thought. It has to be. What the hell are these things? She quickly ran to the ruler and grabbed it. Without thinking, she stabbed one of them in the chest. It was still alive! The ruler broke. She stabbed it in the head this time, and then it fell to the floor. She stabbed the other one in the forehead. She dropped the ruler, staring at the bleeding, lifeless dead one like it should be. She threw up again.
She picked up the broken ruler, and quietly tiptoed to the hallway, and then the gym. She was pushing and avoiding the dead ones on the way there, gagging at the scene. When she got to the gym, she opened the doors. It was so obscene in there! The gym was full of dead ones! They all stared at her. She was gasped and started hyperventilating. She quickly shut the gym doors. So much for walking 500 feet to just see more of them.
They were walking towards the doors, and then banging on it. She picked up a chair leg from one of the broken chairs and put it in between the handles to keep them from busting the door open.
All of a sudden, she heard noises that she wanted to hear. People! Actual live people! She tried to hear where the people were coming from. Out of all of her luck, she realized where they were coming from. In the gym.
She wanted to save those people, but the gym must be full of at least 100 dead ones!
" I want to save them, but this isn't a horror movie. I don't know the first thing to kill dead ones, or handling them." Askova was puzzled, she didn't know what to do. She needed a distraction, and a good one.

Dying Breath: It All Starts Here
Ciencia FicciónAskova awakes to the normal: stupid people, snowy day, aggravating mom. Her day at school was even more normal. The same old teachers who don't listen to her and the same students who mock her. Askova pleaded that abnormal dead rising from the grave...