Clint's Daughter

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(Steve X Reader): Warning, mild content (graphic)!

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Another long stressful week had gone by. Battling. Working long hours. No sleep. Famished bodies. Not a single Avenger was ready for a war Ultron was waiting to wage upon the world. In fact the direct target of the fight was actually pointed to the worlds renowned hero's. Sitting cooped up in a tower like a gigantic bullseye was putting a target on the city. Clint had proposed the great idea of where the Avengers could stay without being easily spotted. Giving them the full coverage of hiding out safely. The hideaway may have caused a slight risk to those who awaited him at home. But it was the best place for now to hide them. Including himself. And it was the only place where he could trust the people.

Each Avenger single file walked up to the two story White House. Gazing at the beauty of its back country farm land style. The acres of land extended for a few miles. Trees lined the forest as if to block the view and sight of the house from any wandering choppers. Or any kind or form of government or enemy.
At the front of the line, Clint helped walk Natasha to the door. She'd taken a serious beating and it had her pretty shaken. Time was what she needed to process the events of the past few days.
Not too far behind them was Tony who watched the scenery cautiously. He'd been just as confused as the others. They weren't too sure why Clint had chosen this of all places for a safe house. But if Clint had insisted on it, there wasn't much they could do to argue.
Behind Tony was Thor. Striding with confidence and maximum confusion, he watched the house intently. All sorts of questions ransacked his mind. He had places to be, a vision to be deciphering. There was no place for silly antics in his quest to understand what he saw in his dream.
Next in line was Steve who stared at the beauty of the farm land. It was a bit hard to understand why a 'family' looking house was a decided safe place to hide out. Not that he didn't mind the comfortable feeling. It just wasn't his idea of a hide away. But he did have to admit, the place was more than welcoming. It felt very homely and free, all things that were relaxing to him.
Awkwardly behind him tagging along was Bruce. He couldn't care less if it was a barn they were to hide in. His main concern was to get as far away from Ultron as possible. Bruce may have been just the scientist that helped around. But considering his knowledge and his 'abilities' he was brought into the Avenger family with welcome and open arms. That still had not changed the fact that he did not trust Tony what so ever.

"Alright, now when you guys come in I want you to be respectful. And try not to break anything or fight in front of.. them all." the slight pause in his step resulted in them all to bump into one another. Except the most they all could do was nod in agreement. And exactly how many were 'them all'? Two? Three? Maybe six?

The door to the two story house swung open as a women rushed out and into Clint's arms. She was a short, brown haired, green eyed, pregnant looking woman. The kiss that they shared had the men before them gawking at the scene. It wasn't normal but it wasn't weird.

"If we may interupt.." clearing his throat, Tony took a step forward. As if he wasn't already interrupting their little 'Romance Session'. His hand extended to greet the woman with a sly smile.
"Oh shoot, where are my manners! Why don't you all come in?" Her contagious smile caused the rest of the guys to smile in unison. She'd even taken his hand out of the pure generosity in her heart. Shaking it with a large smile plastered on her face staring at each one. Soon after they had stepped over the threshold of the home, squeals and screams of 'daddy' and 'we missed you' could be heard. It was only at first that they all were just mildly confused. Which didn't last long when Clint proudly held his daughter and ruffled his sons hair. "Guys, meet Cooper and Lila. These are my kids." One by one they introduced themselves with a quick shorty of who they were. The awestruck children just marveled at the men (and woman) who were formerly known as the Avengers. Camp Fire stories about the marvelous hero's who always saved the world were all they had to set their imagination wild. Now officially connecting faces with names, it seemed a lot more interesting than just stories.

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