That Pest Sharron (Part 1)

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(Steve Rogers x Reader) Warning just a bit of fluff and anger {sorry not sorry.}

Holy HELL!! I am sooooooo sorry, that it had taken this long to post anything. 2019 was a roller coaster ride full of so much drama and hurt that I thought I was going to quit writing and posting chapters on you guys. But I decided not to give up on you guys and continue because I owe it to you guys. Thank you all for waiting so patiently!

Also props to whoever drew that photo of Steve Rogers. ^^^^^^That is absolutely phenomenal!

I have decided to also make this a part one so find out what happens in part 2!!

P.S. this chapter is 13,859 words long, so PREPARE yourselves!!


"I don't know why we're standing here eyeballing Steve and his little rodent. But I find it so interesting to watch you glare daggers into the back of her head." From behind you could hear Natasha hunch over the back of the couch to watch Steve and his little pest giggle over something that was probably ridiculous and stupid.

Nat had a bowl of cherries in her hand with her hair slicked back from being as she just came out of the shower. Natasha had been keeping a close watch on the tension rising in you. Not once did she take you for the jealous type, and yet here you sat furious that he was allowing her to touch him in such ways.

"I'm. Not. Staring, I'm just... watching."

From a distance you wanted to barf, maybe chuck a hard object at the both of them. Natasha on the other hand found this amusing. For weeks she'd been sitting back and watching you fume with rage about how Sharron was trying to desperately weasel her way on into his heart. All the while making Steve forget all about the major fact that you existed as a whole other person in his life. What could she possibly have that you didn't? Was it her hair or was it the way she acted stupid?

"You sure? Cause it sure seems to me that you want to literally stab her." Popping another cherry in her mouth Natasha flung herself over the back of the couch to sit next to you. She knew how much you liked Steve, but she also knew how much Sharron was trying to bed him. The 93 year old virgin and that sorry excuse of a shield agent wanted him all to herself.

"No it's not that I want to stab her it's just— I just don't get it!" throwing your hands in the air you slumped in your seat looking towards the ceiling.

Sadly to your disadvantage you had voiced your opinion a little louder than expected. So when Steve and Sharron shifted their gaze to you, you immediately regretted your existence. Not that you weren't finally glad to have Steve's eyes on you for a change. But you weren't glad that it was only a good solid 10 seconds.

When you first joined the team Steve was all about getting to know you and befriend you. Everything he did in hopes to make you feel all the more welcome to the team and their home. That was what made it so easy to fall for him. A tall blonde sexy gentleman and he was focusing his full attention on you. A little nobody with just the power to teleport. And if it weren't any easier, any missions you went on you came in excellent handy in saving lives. For the longest time it just seemed like everything was going your way. You'd have a relationship of a lifetime, a friend forever, and a love that could kill. Except Sharron one of Nick's shield agents were assigned with the group to keep an eye out and help. Only her form of helping was flirting with the super soldier you had fallen so hard for. The problem with that was he was falling for her little trap she was setting him in. Sharron knew how much of a competition you were and how badly you were in the way. Everyone knew that Steve and (Y/n), the iconic duo, were desperately close with one another. Nothing could come between them, yea well, that plan went to shit when she started her flirting spree.

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