The Last Cnidarian

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(Steve Rogers X Reader): Warning just fluff

You all stood face to face with one another, 5 Avengers against one woman. It seemed like an unfair advantage with 4 against 1 making this fight pretty much stoppable. The fight may have been the most ridiculous any of you could have ever taken pride to. Yet this one woman was no ordinary being. She may have looked naive and vulnerable with her physique, but her strength and will power was more than enough to take down the fleet of men Stark sent after her. Older than time, yet younger than the first star, she held an obtainable amount of power. Not a single Avenger knew what they were dealing with, all except Stark who failed to mention who or what she exactly was. She didn't have a mission nor did she have a purpose to be attending too. Now it could be possible that the future held a certain pathway, but that day was yet to come. Stark had already gone against the curly-haired woman and failed to get her to "cooperate" so he called for reinforcements.

"We won't ask you again, surrender and come with us. Or we'll have to do this the hard way.."

You stood at-least 50 feet from where they stood. Relaxed and steady for what was to come, you only smirked at the tall pretty boy. The glimmer in your purple eyes caught the attention of all of them. The purple aura surrounding your iris' and hands caused each one to furrow their brows. They'd never seen anything like you before. Sure they'd seen all sorts of things, but you were something new. You looked almost human but something about you differed you from the race of the humans. They just couldn't pinpoint what it was. Out of each one, you fully knew all too well you could defeat them in the snap of your fingers. But who was to say that this wouldn't be fun if you challenged them. Shifting your gaze you turned to Tony who showed his face with one hand extended ready to blow you into next week. The smile plastering your face vanished, and an upset look formed. Tony was the one you were not fond of, he'd been the one to tell the world you'd been an atomic threat to their existence. It was all fake and it was just a play to get Stark to use you for what you had. He knew what you were and he'd found out that you were the key component to one of his 'Technological advances". But you refused to allow him to let you become a dissecting project. Being the last of your kind made you beyond valuable. If in the wrong hands you could potentially be a bigger threat.

"Tony Stark, vous revenez jouer un peu plus. Et vous avez amené des enfants (Tony Stark, you've come back to play some more. And you've brought children?)?" The look of confusion on all of their faces made you smile at the advantage. Your French accent was thick and hard for Tony to understand much of what you said. You could tell from the sweat that beaded his forehead he was nervous about something. The other 4 that stood before you stared confusedly at Tony. As if not one of them understood what was happening.

"Yea, we speak American. You know, E. N. G. L. I. S. H? Cap could you translate?" The man in blue red and white holding a matching colored shield stepped forward as you eyed him carefully. Your brown hair laying softly against your shoulders, the tension increased in your body. Something about this man, who he was just seemed to coax and entice you. A feeling you hadn't felt since you lost the very thing you loved more than life itself. Eyeing him down you prepared yourself for any kind of trickery. His head slightly tilted back to Tony and he began to speak. "She said you've come back to play some more, and you've brought children with you. Que voulez-vous dire, il revient pour plus? vous parlez américain correct (what do you mean he's come back for more? You speak American correct?)?" you were taken back by how well he fluently spoke to you. But it still hadn't changed the fact that he was against you as well as Mr. Stark. American was easy to speak, you could speak all the languages of the world. Back when humans first entered the system of time, language was not strong. It was hard to comprehend and wrap your mind around the "grunts" and "finger" language they used. Your favorite was the French language. It resembled close to what the creators spoke when you were first becoming of the continuum vortex. It was the space before time became or started to revolutionize. As old as you were, you believed that childish antics and playing with these babies was ridiculous. "La langue des Américains s'avère être tout à fait inutile (The American language is proven to be quite useless)." The others still stood in confusion while you and the red white and blue man spoke. His little toy shield was now set on his back and his helmet was in his hands. His sandy blonde hair complimented the blue eyes that rested well with his chiseled buff look. He may have been 100 years old, but he had no idea what he was dealing with. "Qui es-tu? Certains comment Tony et vous avez déjà rencontré. Éclaire-moi (Who are you? Somehow you and Tony have already met. Enlighten me)." The metal suit could be heard whirring as the others stood in a fight sequence ready for the attack orders that you believed Stark was to give. One woman with orange hair stood in a black outfit with gun holsters at her sides ready to fire. Another man stood with a bow and arrow ready to shoot the target he had the arrow pointed at. The man who stood closest to the man that proudly dressed in the patriotic colors, held weaponry too advanced for the humans to possibly obtain. His metal arm precisely aimed at you with his finger on the trigger ready to fire. From what you could tell, these people were top of the art trainees who don't fail. "That's great that you two can play who speaks French the best, but we are all still in the dark over here." You glared down Tony who had shut his mask and readied the machinery to produce the blast of the sun at you. Finally tired of the childish antics you frowned and brought your hands to your side that glowed a deep purple. "She speaks American as well but I'm assuming she prefers French." "Alright, I've had enough of this, fire!" Instantly gunfire, arrows and the blasts of heat were tunneling in your direction. Dipping low to the ground your arms made an X and were thrown to your sides as the arrows, heat radiation and gunfire dissolved into broken down atoms. The first to reach you was the patriot man who had his shield to protect anything you could throw at him. Dropping to the floor you spun around using your foot to hook his leg and flip him over so he face planted the concrete. Tony was next as well as the next three high on his tail. It didn't even take long for the patriot man to get back on his feet and come back at you.

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