i'm so proud to say
that i'm mixed with
two whole different ethnicities
with different cuisines,
different languages,
different traditions,
merged into one.it's embarrassing to admit
i speak tagalog fluently
and butcher "how are you" in turkish.
because of how much pride i carry
from my middle eastern background.i laugh at my mom
when she pronounces a long english word,
and silently chuckle
when my dad asks me the english saying for something.
but they never giggle when they listen to me
or for using the wrong word
when i speak in their native tongue.my parents both crossed continents to provide
a better life for everyone back home.
my mother left her 1 year-old son back home
and my dad left his sick parents
to come to canada.
just to struggle to provide for the endless needs
everyone back home has.my parents have done the most for me
yet i am still ungrateful
i hear from my room the weeps of
my mother at night
asking herself repeatedly what she could do
to make me listen.
and everytime i fuck up
then go running to my father for backup
he ends up helping me after the begging
because i am his only,
and what will happen if i ever
turn my back against them again?-owe it all to my makers
kiss my cuts ❥ poetry
Poetrydedicated to the one that sits in the dark as a getaway.