D.T/ She's Imperfection

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A frown was etched on my face as I followed hopelessly after my boyfriend Dean Thomas, "Dean? Dean? Dean? Talk to me!" I whined

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A frown was etched on my face as I followed hopelessly after my boyfriend Dean Thomas, "Dean? Dean? Dean? Talk to me!" I whined.

He looked tense and continued walking, but Finnegan called after him, "Yeah?" Dean asked responding to Seamus.

A scoff escaped my lips before jumping onto the boys back, "YN! Get off of me!" Dean yelled angrily.

"Then talk to me you Great prune!" I cried out jumping off his back.

Dean scoffed, "I'm a prune! You've been lying to me?!" Seamus stood back as the people in the corridor turned towards us.

I paused, "What do you mean? I've never lied to you." Dean was still upset and rolled his eyes, even though my voice went back soft.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" He growled out.

"Tell you what?! Let me fix it, what is it that I didn't tell you!" I cried out.

"That your parents are Death Eaters!" The corridor erupted in gasps as my breach hitched.

"Malfoy!" I growled before looking into Deans eyes, "b-but I'm not. I won't be anything like them De-."

"Shut up! We all know PureBlood families a-and their kids, their bound to follow into their footsteps!" I stepped back as Seamus reaches out to Dean.

Dean slapped his hand away, "When will you stop lying to me, to everyone. You aren't confident or smart, you act all perfect! But the truth is YN you will never be perfect-."

"Dean!" Seamus tried again.

"You're Imperfect And I'm sure your family thinks so too!" Tears welled in my eyes as he finished, his eyes showing how much he regretted it.

"I-If only you knew." I whispered knowing only he and Seamus could hear me before I shove past him and the crowd crying.

No Ones POV
The trio and Ginny walked out of the crowd, the girls obviously angrier then the boys. "Oi, Thomas!" Ginny growls before slapping Dean.

Hermione smacks him as well, "You could have just talked to her about it, not publicly shame her!-."

"You shouldn't be shaming her at all, You overreacted you arsehat!" Ginny Yelled as the two got on his face.

Dean didn't argue with them he was every single one of their words, when the girls finished of their screams he turned to Seamus, "You heard what she said right?"

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