G.W./ Unnoticed

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From the first day of school till the last day of 4th year, the girl swore she had been unnoticed by all of her schoolmates

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From the first day of school till the last day of 4th year, the girl swore she had been unnoticed by all of her schoolmates. Unbeknownst to her, she caught everyone's eye.

The way she wore her Slytherin robes so proudly, how her smile was so soft, friendly and kind that no one could hate her. The way her face scrunched up when she concentrated. The way she could cheer anyone up with a flash of her smile.

George Weasley noticed every small detail, every small flaw, he adored her and she had no clue. So what if she was a Parkinson and a Slytherin, the Gryffindor was in love nonetheless.

Whenever anybody had asked her on a date, she would decline. But they didn't hate her. She was just trying to avoid the oh so possible hurt that would come along with being in love.

Yet she would fall in love.

As she turned the corner, she ramped into something hard. The object was a person, and they both fell backwards. She landed on top of him.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." She quickly apologized as she felt embarrassed.

George stared at her in pure awe, his crush was talking to him. "Um ugh it's ugh it's okay. Accident." Fred chuckled beside him as YN flushed red.

She found him quite cute, but snapped her head out of it. "Well um I have Potions, again George sorry for bumping into you."

As she continued her way George watched her in shock. "Fred?"

Fred looked at his twin curiously, "What is it, Georgie?"

"She could tell us apart. She said my name and I didn't have to tell her." Freds eyes widened as well.

"Well that means she likes you, obviously no one can tell us apart except for Lee. Or it means she can see how much uglier you are then me." Fred teased.

George rolled his eyes but thought of the first part of his twins statement.

After their first encounter, the two began to run into each other over and over again. George adored the girl so much the whole school could see. Even YN Parkinson herself.

She smiled softly at him as they walked past each other in the halls but quickly grabbed his arm. George was shocked that she had touched him. "Sorry if I'm bothering you, it's um I was gonna ask if you'd prank someon-."

"Of course- eh I mean sure who is it and why?" George questioned.

"Marcus Flint, and um he um well he kind of hit my arse." The last part was muffled but he heard it all.

Immediately he was angered, how dare anyone touch his sweet, perfect little YN in an inappropriate manor!?

George nodded, "I'll make this one extra cruel." She smiled slightly at his determination.

"Thanks Weasley."

Soon the two grew closer and not in the friends type of way. They were something more and anyone with eyes could see it. It wasn't easy to make someone like YN in love.

PureBloods like her weren't made to love, they couldn't function feelings. Yet, she did. And only for George Fabian Weasley.

And soon enough she began to adore George, just as much as he adored her.

Then Pansy saw it as Terence and Adrian stared at something in pure anger and jealousy. "What is it?"

Pansy asked as she, Draco and Blaise turned to her older sister flirting with a Weasley. Immediately Pansy was disgusted and alarmed, then she was happy.

Never once had she seen her older sister this happy. Nothing ever made the girl happy because she was so afraid of falling in love. But Pansy stared at a girl in love.

And soon that happiness fades into sadness and worry. Draco and Blaise watched Pansy as all the emotions went through her. Then Pansy stood up and walked towards YN and George. Quickly she grabbed YN who gasped and dragged her out of the Great Hall.

"Pansy what the hell are you doing?" YN screeched.

Pansy crosses her arms, "What the hell are you doing?! Flirting with a Weasley, I can see it yah know? You're in love! Salazar!, YN if dad finds out you'll be disowned. And what if Weasley hurts you, I've never see you this happy."

YN looked at her little sister in surprise, "He won't hurt me, Pansy."

"You don't know that!" Pansy argues.

Sighing YN nodded, "He won't hurt me because I barely exist in this school. George is the popular boy, most girls want, he wouldn't go for me, Pansy."

Pansy threw her hands up in frustration, "YN! You're a bloody idiot, George adores you. He worships the floor you walk on. YN, he's so in love with you and you don't even know it. Plus you are literally loved by all in this bloody school."

YN looked at her shoes for a moment, before Pansy continued, "But YN you can't be with him, you know that."

Again the e/c eyed beauty looked down, "I know, Pansy, it's just that well the second he was in my life everything was so much better." The two sisters hugged tightly.

The sudden sound of footsteps interrupted the girls as George suddenly walked into the corridor. Pansy sent her sister a small smile before disappearing down the corridor. The Weasley boy made his way towards her.

"You know she's right.? I do adore you." George admits, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

Her eyes widened in surprise, "Why?, up until this year I didn't think anyone noticed me."

George eyes widened at the girls words, "YN, never once did someone not notice you, you were always in your books that you simply didn't notice everyone watching you. Bloody hell, I love your innocent eyes!"

YN blushed at the boys words, had she really not noticed this, was she actually noticed. "Actually George if I'm being honest, when I wasn't looking at my book, I was looking at you."

Again George's eyes widened but a faint blush painted his cheeks, "I like you, YN, but I know you would get disowned."

The girl grabbed his hand as he went to leave, "George, at this point I don't care, I want to be with you."

He smiled brightly before he pulled my waist towards him, I pulled him down to meet my lips. A smile on my lips as I did.

Marauders era
•well known
•kind to some

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