F.W. / Proper- Prt 2.

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Even though YN' training was over, Fred and her remained friends

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Even though YN' training was over, Fred and her remained friends. Best friends actually, aside from George of course. Everyone found it odd.

But they found YN the most odd.

She no longer called everyone Miss or Mr and their last name. It was first name only. She didn't walk like a Princess, and she would run after Fred, George and Lee.

She would disarm bullies, who messed with the younger years. And now she even played pranks with the the Twins and Lee.

The more YN and Fred stayed together the more they fell for each other. Anyone could see it. Hell they could see it from each other but said nothing.

YN changed, she became more like her true self that no one saw before, they saw her behind closed doors. She was finally happy, but who wasn't happy was her parents.

Flitwick had sent her parents a letter on her special relationship with Fred Weasley and her behavioral change.

Which lead to be parents sending her a letter banning her from all Gryffindors. But as Fred taught her to be herself and not anybody change her, she defied their rules.

She sent them a letter that she changed for the better and that she refused to marry Adrian Pucey as planned since birth. The person with her heart was Fred Weasley and that they couldn't keep her apart from him.

In other words, she got hella bold.

I stood beside Fred and George, Lee being beside George. "Then my parents had the audacity to tell me that I had to go back to my old ways and banned me from being around any Gryffindor."

"Really?" Lee questioned.

I nodded, "So then I owled them, said I refused to do as they say and I told them I don't want to marry Pucey and that I refused to."

Fred paused looking into her eyes, "You were going to marry, Pucey."

I nodded softly seeing the jealousy on him, taking a breath I motioned George and Lee to give us a moment. Taking Freds hand, I lead him towards the Black Lake.

Acioing a blanket, I set it down and we took a seat on it. "Fred, when I was born, my whole life was for me to please Adrian Pucey with a proper lady. That's why I talked like that, walked like that, dressed like that. The day I was born my parents said I would marry into the Pucey family."

Fred paused taking in the information, "He's like 20 now."

I chuckled, "We'll be graduating next year, anyways PureBloods always try and find a way. But I don't want to marry him, I want to marry you."

"Did you just propose to me?" Fred asked me furrowing his eyebrows.

I gave him a look, "Freddie."

He nodded, "I want to marry you, too, one day... I like you."

"I like you, too." I looked into his hazel eyes and the day we met flashed into my mind.

Slowly he leaned down and met my lips. I was on a bloody cloud the second our lips met. The happiness could have made me explode.

But instead I melted against his lips and moved closer to him. When our kiss broke, we both had childish grins on our faces.

"Thanks for everything, Fred."

8 Years Later
"Oh my Rowena!" I shrieked at George and Lee, who tried to calm me down.

"YN calm down!" George yelled.

"Don't yell at me!" I screamed back. "Where the hell is that arsehat?!"

"He'll be here in a bit, YN just take a breath." Lee soothed.

The door unlocked and I panicked? "Oh my Rowena, he's here! What do I do!?" Fred walked inside confused as why Lee and George we're in our apartment. "Shit abort mission!"

I went to run but George grabbed hold of my waist and set me down on the couch, "Talk to your wife, Freddie." He and Lee left leaving me with Fred.

He sat beside me, "Whats wrong?" I turned away thinking of what to say. "Are you mad at me? I can fix it."

I sighed, "But you can't, there is no going back now."

"Are you trying to divorce me? I refuse to let you do that, you're mine YN! Have been for 8 years now."

I sshed him, "Fred, I'm pregnant."

He stayed silent, I watched emotion after emotion flicker threw his eyes, confusion, happiness.... Fred stared into my eyes, "We're having a baby."

I nodded tears coming out of my eyes, "We're having a baby, Fred. Our baby." He pulled me into a hug, the happiness evident in both our faces.

"I love you so bloody much, YN, you have no idea." Fred whispered before placing his lips on mine for a passionate kiss.

"I love you too, Mr. Weasley."

Hey guys sorry for my hiatus, I've had a writers block but I'm back and ready to write.

•mums famous
•true friend

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