S.F./ Popular

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YN Chang was popular

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YN Chang was popular. Sure her younger sister had friends but YN was the popular girl. But it didn't get to her head.

She was kind, smart, brave yet cunning which was hard for the sorting hat to place her. But settled with Ravenclaw after her older brother was in Ravenclaw.

Seamus Finnigan was quite popular as well for his explosions and such but like most he had a crush on the curly haired beauty.

Unlike Cho, YN had curly hair and a blue and brown eyes. This helped tell the two girls apart as they looked similar. But Seamus could always point out their differences besides the hair and eyes.

When it became obvious to the whole school that Seamus has feelings for the curl haired beauty, many began to spread rumors. Ones that had reached YN' friend group.

"Come on NN! He so likes you." Riley told me desperately. "Bloody hell the whole school knows."

Cho nodded along, "That he does, you two would be so cute."

I flushed moving a stray hair behind me ear, "Well he is quite cute and his Irish accent is adorable."

"Aw does YN have a crush?" Pansy shouted as the hall looked at me, including Seamus. "On a half-breed."

"Call him that again you bloody pug!" I shouted back as I went to stand up.

"Mrs. Chang!" Flitwhick called out as he stood up from the table. I grumbled under my breath taking a seat. Cho and Riley hit me, "So you do like Seamus?"

I sat silently staring at my food as the two girls began to squeal.

Seamus POV
"Aw does YN have a crush?!" Parkinson yelled causing the hall to look at the four girls. "Oh a half-breed."

My breath hitched tightly as many turned to look at me, "Call him that again you bloody pug!" She defended angrily as she stood up.

"Mrs. Chang!" Flintwick called making YN sit down with a pout.

"It's you! I knew she liked you!" Ginny cheered as she looked at me.

I shook my head, "There are plenty of half-bloods here, Hell it could be Dean." Dean patted my shoulder.

Fred and George shook their heads in unison, "It's obvious the Chang girl has a crush on you. Especially when you caught her before she could fall of the stairs."

I turned back in her direction, she had a bright smile on her face as her sister and best friend talked to her. A slight blush on her cheeks too, then she looked up and we met eyes. Her blush darkening before she turned away.

Her dark curls covering her face. "Bloody hell it is me!" I exclaimed to them as they all nonchalantly agreed.

I could feel my grin widen for the rest of dinner. When Dean and I decided to go back to the Common Room. As we went to leave, I was suddenly grabbed.

Turning to met the younger Chang sister and the Potters sister, Riley, "What?" I questioned.

"Do you like my sister?" Cho asked bluntly as Riley smirked softly.

Dean nodded wildly, "Yes, yes been in love with her since 1st y-."

"Shut up Dean!" I smacked him angrily as a blush spread onto his dimpled cheeks. "So what if I do?" He shot back at the two girls, who smirked at each other and gave each other a reassuring nod.

"Well Dear Seamus, are you going to ask my older sister out?" Cho questioned slightly in a teasing fashion.

"No, Cho. So shut up!" Seamus said referring to her tease.

Cho and Riley both rolled their eyes, "I'd be careful Seamus, we're the only ones YN listens too, so we could easily end all means of relationship the two of you will have?"

"Will have? He can barely talk to the girl without stuttering." Dean pushed in with a slight smirk as Seamus turned to glare at him.

Riley nodded, "Yes, Dean will have, cause it just so happens Mr. Thomas that YN has a crush on Seamus." Riley spoke softly meeting Deans eyes as a soft blush spread on the twos cheeks.

"Yeah, just like Riley and Dean will be dating anytime soon." Cho adds in as the twos cheeks turned darker as they looked away refusing to meet each other's eyes.

"Cho, Riley? What the hell are you doing?" YNs voice bounced off the walls of the empty corridor, "You left me alone with Triston and Geret, you know their perverted asses."

"What'd they do I'll kill them?!" Seamus demanded as the look of disgust had passed the girls eyes as she said that. Only he had caught the sadness in them too.

She smiled slightly at her crushes words, "I don't think that'd be possible, you can't kill people, who've I've already killed."

Seamus deemed a proud expression on his face as the two, Triston and Geret ran past them as burning hot coffee had ran down their clothes and a bruised their cheek.

YN turned back to the two girls as she laughed at the sight, "Cho, Riley we should head to the common room." The girls have Seamus a look as they went to walk down the hallway back to the Ravenclaw Common Room.

"YN!" At the sudden call of her name she turned back to look at Seamus. "Yes, Seamus?" She asked not realizing that Cho, Riley and Dean all disappeared.

"Well um I just wanted to say..."

Use your Gryffindor courage!

"I wanted to tell you that I um I like you. I have liked you for quite some time and I just wanted to ask if you'd like to go out with me?"

Surprise was evident on her face as she stared into Seamus eyes, "I.- I'd love to go with you Seamus, I um kind of have a crush on you as well."

The shock and happiness on Seamus face caused her lips to break into a large grin as she pulled the Irish boy into a tight hug.

The clumsy, Irish boy had did it, he got the popular girl.

Hey potterheads, I'm back! sorry for my long hiatus that you probably didn't notice. It's summer now and currently I have three books in the works. I'm editing my SweetPea book and working on Imagines for you guys.

So kind of busy but I will be posting on here more often.

*life of the party
*infamous wink

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