R.L./ Kiss For What

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"Shove off you arse hats!" I growled smacking Sirius up side the head

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"Shove off you arse hats!" I growled smacking Sirius up side the head.

Sirius scoffed, "Come on Cousin! Stop being a bigot!"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not letting you lot into my Common Room! Now leave me alone!" James grabbed my arm tightly causing me to wince.

Remus shoved him back, "We'll find another way in! Don't touch her like that!" The boys groaned as he gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry."

I rubbed my hand, "Thanks Lupin. All of you just go away!" Flipping around my long hair wiped three out of the four in the face as I entered the common room.

Closing it suspiciously as I eyed the lot of them, "Stupid Gryffindorks!" I growled under my breath as I turned to Pearl Parkinson and Ashly Bulstrode. "Ready to go?"

They nodded as the grabbed their robes, we exited the common room and began walking down the halls. Hearing spells being set off, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

With a wave of my wand all four Marauders were in the air. Turning to Regulus, Lucius, Severus and Theodore. "Were they bothering you?" I asked eyeing the four hovering boys.

"In fact they were, thanks Yn." They pressed a kiss to my cheek each (not in a weird way, shes related to half of them ight).

"Your welcome Reg, Lucy, Sev and Thee. Remember we have to play truth or drink later."

"How about strip?" Theodore suggests.

I rolled my eyes as Lucius, Regulus and Sirius groaned disgusted. "Alright, if you'll excuse me I have Gryffindors to drop in the Black Lake and a dinner to eat."

Waving them of me and the girls walked towards the lake as the four struggled above us. "Anyways Scott tried to kiss me!" Pearl explains. "I said in the name of Salazar no! Honestly boys no longer have manners. Just ask Black or Potter not giving girls any space to breath."

"Hey!" They exclaimed as Peter and Remus chuckled.

I looked up at Peter, "Hey Pete!, are you coming to the party tonight?"

The three Marauders looked at the two of us alarmed, "Oh ugh, I'm not sure maybe."

I frowned teasingly, "Come on Peter, Yadilex Zehra has been eyeing you. I think you should come tonight, you are still a virgin right?" He gulped, "Well She could take care of that."

"Are you a virgin Lady Black?" James asked me with a smirk.

I scoffed with an eye roll, "Oh my goodness she is!"

All eyes looked at me in surprise, "I'm waiting for the right person. Unlike Sirius Whore arse, I don't spread my legs every chance I get. Plus Potter so are you, I mean Lily would never want to give her virtue to you, and I heard she's not so innocent either."

James tried to swing at me but missed terribly as I dropped them in a lake.

Me, Ashly and Pearl ran to the Great Hall in a fit of giggles. All eyes landed on me, well male eyes(some females). "Sometimes I don't like being your friend, YN, I'm always in your shadow."

"Why? I mean I know I have looks but come on!"

"Well you have boobs and an arse two (hmmm not me)." Pearl adds.

I scoffed with a laugh as I sat down beside Theo. "Hello Beautiful." I rolled my eyes before getting up and shoving Lucius a seat down and sitting in between him and Regulus.

As the Hall burst into laughter my eyes went to the four socking Marauders. "YN Vengelina Black! I will kick your arse!"

They marched towards me causing the Slytherin table to pull their wands out. "Oh please, I'd like to see you try, nothing you do could ever-."

Remus kissed me. On the lips. I was frozen in place. What do I do? What do I do? Salazar help me please!

As he pulled away I was left with a stutter as the four smirked victoriously, "We've rendered YN speechless."

My heart sank. He took my first kiss to make me speechless? To win? Suddenly I clenched my hands and slapped all of them.

"You're all disgraceful and disgusting, you think people like being bullied or teased or used?! Sirius you play with girls hearts every day! James you bother a girl who is so clearly in love with another because of your own heart break, and bully the boy she loves! Peter you portray yourself as two different people because you're just a wimp who can't take care of yourself, I've tried to be nice we all have but just no you're no longer welcome or have our protection! And Remus, everyone here thought you were different but you're just like these two arsewholes. Just Like Them! Don't any of you ever talk to me again!"

Waving the table they began to shove the boys away from me and my friends. Remus eyes stayed on my figure even from across the hall. All four of the Marauders looked hurt and broken, the Hall was in silence.

As me and the girls finished we waved goodbye to the boys and exited the Hall. Most eyes trailed on the three of us. But his eyes only stayed on me.

When the sound of approaching footsteps filled my ears, I waved the girls off and turned around. My eyes landed on his tall figure. "I told you to stay away from me."

My voice just above a whisper shocked him, "I wanted to apologize. It had been Sirius idea but I still did it. But it was because-."

"You were playing their game! It wasn't fair, you took my first kiss for what? So you and your stupid friends could tell the Hall that you won?"

"No! I kissed you because I wanted to, because I've never ever met someone so incredible till I met you. Because you YN, you've protected my secret for 6 years even when we hear fly knew each other, even when we got into fights. Your incredible YN."

I again was knocked speechless, "B-But I thought." Cutting myself off I pulled him into a kiss. "You're remarkable Remus Lupin."

-has a problem with booms


-has an adorable accent

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