F.W. / Proper

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YN LN was a good girl, she kept to the rules, was kind, polite and poise

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YN LN was a good girl, she kept to the rules, was kind, polite and poise. Much like she was raised to be, coming from a rich, PureBlood family of Ravenclaws and Slytherins.

Fred Weasley was a prankster, went against all rules, irresponsible, and reckless. Along with his identical twin brother, George. They came from a family barely scraping by, but a close one.

No one pictured them as acquaintances, friends, best friends or more.

No one saw it coming.


The girl with elegant curls walked down the corridor towards the Ravenclaw common room, on a late Friday afternoon

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The girl with elegant curls walked down the corridor towards the Ravenclaw common room, on a late Friday afternoon. She walked perfectly, as if she had practiced for hours. A small pleasant smile on her face as she walked the empty corridor.

A faint sound of rushed footsteps caused a halt in her step as it grew louder as she went to turn the corner. Panting filled her ears before a shriek escaped her lips as a body slammed into hers.

She closed her eyes expecting to hit the ground, but soft, gentle arms had wrapped around her body instead. Slowly she opened her eyes to meet hazel brown ones.

The boy placed her on her feet gently, "Sorry bout' that love."

Her eyes fixated on his hair, then realizing who he was, "It's quite alright, Mr.Weasley. No harm was done, goodnight."

His eyes furrowed in slight confusion, "Mr.Weasley?" He questioned her words.

She paused again in her step as she turned to meet his eyes, "Would you prefer I call you something else?"

He nodded, "How about my name? You know, Fred. Saying Mr.Weasley sounds like I'm you're boss or something."

"Well M- Fred, I'm sorry I forgot my manners, I'm YN Ln." She smiled gently at him.

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