F.W. / A Dance

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Requested by @BitchyUnicorn46

When you lose someone it seems to hurt so bad that you'd wish it was you

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When you lose someone it seems to hurt so bad that you'd wish it was you. You'd wish that you could have saved the person you lost. But you'd rather you feel the pain, then them feeling the pain of your own lose.

Fred looked to his older brother in shock, "Percy did you just make a joke?" Right as he said it, the wall gave way. The group tried to move quickly but Fred was still about to be hit.

Until the wall slowed down in its fall. Fred got out of the way as it fell once more. He looked around only to meet her eyes, a smile came to his face till she suddenly gasped.

The three boys paused at the girl fell, only to reveal a Death Eater behind her. Anger arose threw Fred as he killed the Death Eater not a bit of remorse as he killed him.

Fred staggered towards his first love as she lay still and quiet on the ashy floor of what was the Charms corridor. The place the two had first met in their 2nd Year.

The memory played softly in his head as tears slid down his cheek when Percy pronounced the girl dead. The girl his baby brother loved, the girl Percy was actually quite fond of because she would agree with him to make Fred behave. The girl who was a chosen Weasley.

George held his brother as they both sobbed over the lose of YN. The only girl he had trusted with his twins heart. The girl who had snakes her way in his heart. The girl that he knew would be married to Fred after Hogwarts.

Now the ring lay cold and alone on her finger, no wedding band beside it. Just alone.

Slowly Fred picked up his love and walked shakily to the Great Hall. Taking her in search of her brother. Freds body racked with sobs as the entered the hall.

Immediately everyone looked over, the light no longer in anyone's eyes even though they won the war. Fred collapsed to the ground as suddenly his family tried to take her. He held onto her tightly, saying he was waiting for her to wake up and to get Pomfrey.

"Has anyone seen my daughter?" The proper voice asked worriedly. Fred stood up turning to  Narcissa and Draco Malfoy. They both froze seeing the limp body of their own blood lay in Freds arms.

Both Narcissa and Draco secretly liked the Weasley Twins as they took great care of YN. And liked Fred more because he was the only person who could get her to smile the way she did when she saw him.

Narcissa nearly fell hadn't Molly and Draco kept her upright. But Draco himself was falling, his big sister was gone. Surprising everyone Harry, Hermione and Ron helped Draco as Blaise and  Molly took Mrs. Malfoy away from the sight.

Fred blamed himself for her death and didn't let anyone take her or touch her till Draco told him something he wouldn't expect Draco to say. "She loved you, Weasley. Don't forget that, her love for you never faded, even now. She died trying to protect you, the only person who ever made her feel truly loved."

Fred lay still in bed for over a month now, the image of her being shot at for protecting him drove him mad. Slowly he sat up picturing her perfect face. Picturing the dance they shared at the Yule Ball, the dance they shared when he asked her to marry him.

One more dance. All he wants in one more dance with the beautiful blond and brown haired girl. A hair much like her own mothers but he just want YN. He needed her.

He shut his eyes and more a moment the room went cold. When he opened his eyes he froze as he saw her. Oh so beautiful but had she heard his calls. "Let's dance, Freddie."

At once he was on his feet as he pulled her into a hug. He could feel her, touch her. His eyes went to her lips and he kissed her. He craved her lips.

She smiled brightly at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck as his went to her waist. "Let's dance." Fred smiled as she leaned on him and held her tightly.

While he could...

The next day he wished for her again and she appeared. They shared a kiss and a dance. He kissed her head as she announced she had to go. Fred smiled brightly.

It went on for months and Fred was better. He began to work, eat with his family, and go out. No one understood why he was so happy and when they asked he would say, 'she said not to be sad'.

When Fred would miss her he'd call for her, they'd talk and dance. Fred cherished it until she told him something. "Will you ever move on Freddie?" Her voice soft against his chest as they danced.

"Why? I have you. I don't need to move on when you are right here." YN sighed.

"Come on Fred. Get married, have a family." She took his hand as he looked at her shocked.

Fred shook his head, "No way! Me and you we've always been endgame. That's not going to change ever."

YN sniffed, "But Fred I'm not-."

"Don't say it. You're the love of my life that's not going to change ever. Me and you, endgame."

Okay, so early this morning I found out that Cameron Boyce had passed away. And I kind of just froze and cried. Honestly because he was so young and he was my first and basically only celebrity crush.
(Besides WDW Zach)

And yes I'm around that age but my heart goes out to his family and friends.

I'm so scared to watch Descendants 3 because I know I'm gonna cry. But I need to watch it because I was looking forward to seeing him in it.
RIP Cameron Boyce. 💘❤️💕

No hints the next one i don't know.

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