G.W./ Freds Last Request

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 George felt a heavy amount of grief as he stared at the pictures of his twin brother

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George felt a heavy amount of grief as he stared at the pictures of his twin brother. He lay curled up on Fred's bed as tears stained his cheeks. Molly Weasley, was broken every time she took his plate of food,
her heart would break even more.

So like any sane person, she called YN Lovegood. The girl George Weasley had managed to fall in love with at Hogwarts.

Once the young girl arrived, Molly hurried her up the stairs to George's room. With a sigh YN walked in as the family stood outside the door listening. YN walked towards the bed, where her first love laid.

Pressing a hand to his cheek, the boy slowly opened his eyes. She noticed how red they were, "George..." He scooted over on the bed, unable to try to push her away.

YN sat down, "I love you." She whispered softly as he continued to not say a word. George stared at her as she continued, "Fred, he wouldn't want this of you."

"How would you know?" His voice horace as he spoke.

"Because I grew up with you both, I know the ins and outs of you both. Fred told me before the war started that if he didn't make it. To tell you if you didn't continue the shop, he'd come down from Heaven just to drag you." George couldn't help but laugh.

Smiling slightly I continued, "He also said that he loved you with all his heart. And he was glad it was him because had it been you, he'd be even worse then you are right now. Because he couldn't manage to tie his own shoes tie he got till you both got Hogwarts. Fred claimed that I'd better marry you and keep you happy or he'd drag me to hell."

A second light chuckle escaped his lips as I began to clean his tear stained cheeks. George linked our hands together, "Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I wanted you to heal, but then you didn't let anyone in. And I gave myself time to heal, instead of worrying about you." He nodded softly nuzzling his face into my hand placed on his cheek. "Want to talk about it?"

George nodded silently, "I didn't think that the Astronomy Tower was gonna be the last time I'd get to see his smiling face. YN, I miss him so much, I'm so scared to leave this room because everything reminds me of him. Hell when I look into the mirror I see him."

Laying down beside him, I gripped his hand, "George, I'll be here with you. Every step of the way, and sure things remind you of him, it happens to me too. And it hurts, so bad but we have to move on. Because what would Fred want for you?"

"He'd rather me happy." George mumbled almost inaudible but as I lay beside him I could hear just fine.

"Exactly, so I think when you're ready, we go to the joke shop. But first I think you should go have dinner with your family, later today. They miss you, especially your mum, she was the one to call me."

George paused, "But YN, you live with Luna and your father, it's far."

I smiled softly, "I'll be staying in your room till you're ready." George grins slightly pressing a kiss to my lips, "I love you too."

"Do you want to go eat with them?" I questioned him, George nodded in return as we both got up from the bed, he wobbled slightly.

A giggle escaped my lips till he met my eyes seriousness lingered in his, "We need to do something?"

"What?" I laughed.

"Fred told the both of us to get married, I'd think it best we fulfill his final request." My eyes widened as this shuckface walked over to a small box hidden beside Fred's lamp, "He bought it for us."

George gave me a nervous smile, "Will you?" I paused mouth agape.

"G-George don't you think we s-."

"YN we could always have a long engagement, we've been together for 5 years, remember since 4th year. So what we didn't see each other for two months. I've always wanted to marry you."

After a moment I nodded, "Yes, I'll marry you." George smiled widely as if only 30 minutes ago he wasn't in grief. But I loved that he was happy and I most certainly wasn't going to take that away from him."

George slipped the ring on and pulled me into a kiss. A grin grew on my face as his family broke into the room all smiling. Molly and Ron holding each other as tears of joy flooded down.

I blushed and shoved my head into George's shoulder, who laughed at my embarrassed reaction. "Congratulations!" Ginny smiled jumping up and down.

As everyone congratulated me, I met Molly's tearful eyes, but she still managed a small wink. My eyes widened piecing everything together as she mouthed, "Two birds with one stone."

1 Year Later

My dress swirled around me as George twirled me around

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My dress swirled around me as George twirled me around. All our family and friends dancing around us, a smile on my lips at the happy look on his face. He leaned in closer,
"I wish Fred was here."

"He's here, somewhere with a smug look on his face." I reply causing his grin to grow.

"What would I do without you?" He questions me.

I shrugged, "I'm not sure, but I'm glad I have you."

"And I glad that I have you. Bloody hell, only Godric knows how much I love you." George kisses my lips lightly before twirling me around and lifting me up.

A light chuckle escaped my lips as he wiggles his fingers against my side in attempt to tickle me. Our eyes stayed on each other but from the small corner of my eye, I could have sworn I'd seen Fred.

A sudden smirk played its way to George's face as he stopped dancing, so I did as well. "What?" I questioned slightly concerned.

"Fred had one last request."

I nodded for George to continue, "He wanted me to be a dad and him an uncle."

-blood traitor
-specialty in Dragons
-quidditch player

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