B.Z./ Younger

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Blaise Zabini hated girls unless they were close to him like Pansy and Millicent

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Blaise Zabini hated girls unless they were close to him like Pansy and Millicent. He claimed he was simply to in love with YN Nott to notice anyone else.

Blaise Zabini has been in love with YN, since they were children, ages 5 and 7. And Blaise wasn't the 7 year old, no he was not.

The problem that interfered with the two was that she was older. And that Blaise was best friends with Theodore Nott, Blaise's best friend beside Draco Malfoy.

YN finished school and now Blaise was a 6th year along with her brother and Draco. Blaise still had hope as the girl had given him a goodbye kiss as she had a trip to Paris.

I was back and working at St.Mungo's, but the second Hogwarts had called me, I was there. With my medical kit and everything as i helped Pomfrey, my old mentor.

"Where are the Slytherins?" I questioned seeing the lack of my own house.

Pomfrey sighed, "Dungeons, tried to work against Potter, but some wanted to help." She mutters as Wood and Longbottom brought in Colin Creeveyr.

"I got him! You get Weasley." She nodded as we ran towards the 5th year and began working on him. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as his heart once again began.

"Come on, Creevey!, Bloody Gryffindors!" Signaling one of the studying nurses over, "Take him to Mungo's." She nodded before apparating to the hospital.

Standing up as I walked out to look at the cautious. Just as Blaise and Theo trampled in, "Shouldn't you be in the dungeons?!" I questioned motherly before pulling the boys into hugs, causing Blaise's breath to hitch.

"Well yes, then the ball blew." My eyes widened at Theo's words as I checked over the two. "Why are you here?"

"I have a medical license." I stated proudly as Blaise smiled proudly at me, "That's my girl."

I flushed as Theo smacked him, "That's my sister, you prune."

Blaise shrugged, "She's my future wife, you arsehat." I rolled my eyes before heading towards the couple spread in front of me.

Neither of them were breathing, I tried to restart their hearts, "Why aren't they waking up?" Theo Asked crouching down beside me.

I looked down linking the pairs hands, "They've been without oxygen for six minutes, the brain dies after that." I explain, "Poor Teddy."

Standing up quickly heading to Browns body, I patched up her wounds but it wasn't enough, "That Bloody werewolf! He should have learned from Lupin."

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