S.B/ Hurt

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Warning/ Child Abuse

(Dress in Media)I screamed out as Father hit my older brother, "Stop it! Stop!" I cried as Mother held me back with a disapproving look

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(Dress in Media)
I screamed out as Father hit my older brother, "Stop it! Stop!" I cried as Mother held me back with a disapproving look. "Don't hurt him! He didn't do anything!"

"He loves a Mudblood! He's disgraceful, he's not my son." My brother screamed out as Father smacked him again.

Shoving my mother off of me, I covered my brother with my body. A scream escaped my lips echoing around the mansion. After a while my Father and Mother had to go get ready for a party.

A tight lipped gasp escaped me as I sat up off of my brother, "NN..."

He whispered softly as blood spilled out of lips causing me to wipe it, "I'm fine, I'm off to Hogwarts tomorrow. You'll see me off, won't you?"

"Of course."

"Thomas, you have to get out of here. You're 19, you have to go. It's not safe for you to be here."

Thomas sighed, "I can't leave you here, you're only in your 6th year."

I paused, "I'll go round James. The Potters say I'm just as welcome as Sirius is." A smile pulled on my lips as I mentioned my boyfriend, Sirius.

Thomas chuckled noticing the change, "Thank you, for everything sis. Once I'm settled I'll come round to get you."

I nodded softly sitting in my spot as he apparated away, a groan escaped my lips as I pulled myself up off the floor and limped to my room. With a sigh I magicked my closes and gallons into two suitcases.

Looking at the plain cream walls, I whispered a goodbye before flooring to the Potters. When my feet landed again on the fireplace floor, I tumbled to the ground.

The four Marauders and the Potter parents gasped in surprise. Sirius was the first to notice the blood as I hurried over and helped me up.

"What the hell happened to you?" He questioned worriedly setting me up on the table as Mrs.Potter grabbed the first aid kit and began to patch and clean my wounds.

"Father was beating Thomas, again. So I stepped in,... after I shoved my poor excuse of a Mother." I explained quietly as Sirius fumed.

Siris kissed my non-bruised cheek.
"YN, you're a Ravenclaw but you act so Gryffindor sometimes."

"Maybe she got the wrong house." Peter smiles sheepishly making me giggled before wincing in pain.

Sirius squeezed my hand as Mrs.Peter pushed me on my back to stitch up my stomach. I nearly screamed hadn't it been for Remus charm to not feel pain.

When it finished I thanked Mrs.Potter, who merely smiled and said it was the least she could do. Sirius pulled me up, making me groan out as the pain charm wearer off. Remus muttered the charm again, "Thanks Remus."

"No worries, NN." I smiled as Sirius helped me to the coach as James pulled my bags out of the fireplace.

Mr.Potter smiled softly at me, "You're always welcome YN." I nodded and smiles in thanks at the older Potter.

"Thank you, once Thomas settles down I'll be going with him." I muttered softly as of my raspy voice.

Peter handed me a glass of water as Sirius placed a final bandage on my cheek. I sighed thankfully before taking a sip of water. "YN, Love should we tell someone?"

"No one would care beside you guys." I denied with a shake of my head as Sirius ran his hands through his mop of hair.

I grasped his hand in mine, "Tomorrow we're going to Hogwarts, Bye the time summer roles around Thomas will be my guardian. I'll be fine, I promise you."

Sirius nodded stiffly as everyone else walked into different rooms, I swiftly pulled him into a passionate kiss. My hands went to his hair as his grasped my waist causing me to wince slightly. "Sorry, Love."

"It's alright." I chuckled softly at his worrisome face. "Sirius, I promise it's alright." Pressing my lips to him once again we pulled apart at the sound of an apparation transport.

Everyone raced into the room as Sirius stood in front of me protectively as the disgusted faces of my parents appeared. A tight lipped gasp escaped my lips as I grasped Sirius' shirt.

"YN! Stupid girl! Get over here!" Mother came closer but stopped as Mrs.Potter, Sirius And Remus aimed their wands at her. As James, Peter and Mr.Potter aimed theirs at Father.

"You two are monsters! Attacking a child! Your own children!" Mrs.Potter screamed at them as my eyes began to water as my parents began to spit out vial words at the lot of us.

Till they turned to Sirius, "You're a blood traitor! Your parents always talked about what a vial disgrace you are! That's why they always loved your brother more than you! A Gryffindor bl-."

"Shut the hell up!" I screamed not caring that the pain shot up through my throat, "You're just angry that no one likes either of you. Sirius is far more braver, kinder, and good looking than either of your ever were. He means the world to me, all these people here are my family."

The two sneered but apparated away leaving us all standing there, wands pointed in their direction. "I thought they'd never leave." James breathes out a chuckle breaking the silence.

I snorted slightly as Sirius helped me up and lifted me up bridal style, "Come on, let's go get you to your room." I waved goodnight to the smirking family.

"Sirius, I can walk." I whined as he opened the door to the last room.

"No you can limp." He points out placing me gently on the bed. Handing me an old jumper, "Call me when you're done changing."

I nodded softly but took his hand, "Unzip my dress please." Sirius flushed but smirked, "Haven't heard you say that since-."

"Sirius!" I smacked his arm as he unzipped the dress and walked out. Letting the dress fall to my feet, I placed the jumper over. Calling Sirius in, I grabbed the dress of the floor and put it in the hamper.

Getting under the covers, Sirius kissed my forehead, "I'll be in the next room, alright?"

"No! Stay with me, please?" Siri's nodded before getting under the covers himself. Carefully wrapping an arm around me as I cuddled closer into his side.

"I love you Sirius." I whispered softly before I yawned tiredly.

"I love you too, NN." He whispered softly before we lumbered off into a tired sleep.

-excellent in Herbology
-lived with Grandma

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