A.P./Love Doesn't Exist

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I don't believe in love, not at all, it doesn't exist in my world

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I don't believe in love, not at all, it doesn't exist in my world. But Albus Severus Potter claimed he was in love with me. However it doesn't exist at all.

"Shut up!" I screeched throwing my hands up at the stupid Slytherin, "Love doesn't exist, stop saying you love me!"

Albus reaches out to me but I stepped back hastily, "But it does, I love you, YN Zabini."

I threw Scorpius a look, he shrugged, "Some best friend you are."

He shrugged, "Hey! If I get him you, I get Rosie." I rolled my eyes in disgust. "Pig!"

Albus gave me another pleading look, "Love me! I love you so Salazar much, please! Please! Give me a chance."

My heart fluttered but I scoffed, "Shove off, LoVe doesn't exist and I most certainly don't feel it for you, even if it did!"

Albus face faltered as he walked away sadly, Scorpius glared at me, "How could you hurt him? You broke my best friends heart."

"You were my best friend FiRsT! Not anymore, I'm going to make sure Rosie stays away from you." I growled a threat as his eyes studied me knowing I already shipped them, as Albus stood down the hall.

"YN?" I turned to the sound of Roses voice, "Whats going on? Leave her alone you arsewholes!"

"Albus was saying he loved me, what  a load of rubbish." I growled walking past Rose, my scarlet red robes flying behind me.

"YN Zabini!" Everyone stopped eating as Albus Potter stood on the Slytherin table.

"Step of my daughter, Potter!" My dad yelled from the main table.

"No! I love you and I know that you think it's all a load of rubbish but I l-."

"Cram it Potter!" Reggie, my big brother Yelled.

"I love you! And you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Even if your dad hates me and mine hates your dad.  I want to be with you-."

Dad once again yelled, "She can have a boyfriend but must be approved by me! And sorry you don't make the cut!"

"And only you, no matter what. Because like it or not love exists and I feel it for you."

I glared at him intensely but the flutter in my heart said otherwise, "Shove off! Love does not exist now leave me alone!"

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